
"The usual gang of rascals will be here to tell you jokes this weekend."

Would that high horse you're sitting on like a sugar cube, or maybe a juicy carrot?

The tiny cameraman behind the glass was appreciative of the chance to breathe for the first time in the game.

If this guy wants to keep Woods from destruction, he'd better pick a new sport.

Eh, I'm pretty firmly in the Sous Vide Sucks camp at the moment. If I ever come around to thinking it doesn't suck, I may write about it.

Well shit, Wes. This is quite a pickle.

It will be called "the second coming", "revolutionary", "a breakthrough", "awesome", "amazing", "only Apple could do it", "nothing else like it", "the Apple of Jobs' eye", "holy shit on a butter stick!", "OMG I can't believe it!", "Bye bye Samsung", "something new for Samsung to copy".

She liquidated her inheritance, then she and 3 of her friends gang-raped someone on the way home from the bank.

As a UVA football and a NY Jets fan, I'm a huge fan of Oday. He's a great player, he works hard, and he's a really good guy, to boot. Obviously, the tweet comparing him to a murderer is disgusting.

All the bigots are gonna lose their shit when they find out Aboushi is planning to spend the rest of the summer at some kind of "training camp."

the only thing they can do is defecate in their hands, throw shit against society's collective wall, and hope someone notices.

Wouldn't it be funny if Dyson was a CIA front and all of kalid's designs were being used and sold under the Dyson name.

In 1992, my gf (now wife) and I were technical rock climbers. I wrote a poem about climbing the mountain of life together and asked her to be my climbing partner for life. 19 years of marriage and 3 kids later, our climbing gear sits in a container in the garage collecting dust. We haven't hit the rocks since the late

Shaun, here's the rule at my house: I do the cooking, and the shopping for the cooking. When I am going shopping, I solicit menu suggestions for the week. Everybody (wife, kids) gets to make a suggestion; I round out the week with stuff that is generally acceptable to everyone based on past experience. When it comes

This would never happen at Notre Dame. Suspending players for rape, I mean.

"OK OK OK. This, I get."

"...and she did not want that to be the case."


Man all his favorite teams keep winning.

Justin Bieber reaches the same market audience that we will need to be the next Blackhawks fans.

Teenaged girls looking to file paternity suits against Patrick Kane?