
Boston Strom

A little-known historical fact is that the uprising on the Amistad began when the captives were forced to sing "Sweet Caroline."

This location has a menu item called the "Riley Cooper Chicken Wing Dinner". For 200 bucks, you get ten pieces of white meat chicken and ticket back to Africa.

I would give my brother.

It would likely sell better than the Alex Zanardi style beer which has no hops and very little body.

You left out the best part - the Auro-Aquatic Diving Pool!

Warning: not snark/joke.

So if you hung a ball from a rope on the tree, what would happen? Spontaneous Tetherball game breaking out? Inquiring minds want to know!

"Tied to the Itching Post ?"

I'd guess that the median Deadspin commenter is a 34-year-old white male with middle-to-high income but also above-average alcohol consumption. So we're taking about a remaining live expectancy of 47 years, give or take. My best guess is that you'll die in 2060, perhaps just a few days before Sasha Obama wins her

When will you learn that the most important variable is love?

So why did you sell 538? That's your brand, you built that. When you leave, it's ESPNs. Why not rent it out? I'm sure they'd be happy to do that licensing deal. Why sell now? Do you feel you're at your peak in market value?

Have you ever considered working in a field where the established pundits weren't personally and professionally invested in such a way to guarantee they'll stubbornly dig in their heels against any opinion of yours that goes against their narrative?

Hi Nate,

I'm just curious to find out whether the Gammons Daily search engine is a two-stroke or a four-stroke.

Sean I hope you also had a great weekend. I missed reading your weekly running playlist column; I trust it is not because you've fallen off the wagon and have resumed your fatly activities.

That turtle is easily the drunkest one in that photo. God speed alcoholic turtle. I salute you.

Especially ironic, considering the fact that NASCAR was started by rum-running bootleggers trying to evade an over-reaching federal government during the prohibition of a substance consumed by humans for thousands of years.

Oh, my bad. I was talking about the kid in the Limas Sweed jersey.

When you are done with your fucking omelette, pull out your cock, place it on top of your creation, take a picture and post it on twitter or vine or facebook or myspace or flickr or instagram or youtube or geocities.