
Or, you know, have some sort of Deadspin Comment Samurais. Folks who understand the desired tone and character of the site. Maybe some people who participated in building that desired tone and character, and are adept at communicating those expectations. Just a thought.


Human moderators, who, by dint of being human can understand sarcasm and differentiate between tedious sophomoric (that's what she said!1!!1) humor and smart jokes, and can discern between contributions that improve the space they're in (but don't necessarily get a lot of responses), and idiotic, inflammatory

Nate, your being brought over to ESPN, to an outsider, looks like the Creation Museum hiring Neil Degrasse Tyson for a consulting gig, just so they can say "See, we're open minded!"

All of the above-listed reasons are true, but the real reason that the Texans suck, at least from my experience goes back to 1996, when I was a senior in high school, and I was at a kegger in the woods. Rachel Sullivan was there, and man I had a crush on her - we ended up making out, which was really cool, but I ended

Wes, I see no way that this can go wrong. In fact, every sitcom ever has shown me that this is bound to lead to a series of zany coincidental misadventures, culminating in you being found out, but in the sweetest way, and you end up with the girl, and a life lesson.

This is absolutely delightful.

The most touching part of the story is that he donated the shavings to a local charity: "Pubes for Eckstein"

Their earlier plan to sell all of Manhattan to Bobby Bonilla for $24 was seen as just too Metsy.

The difference between Amanda Bynes and the Giants starts and ends with their respective O-lines. The Giants' O-line is Beatty, Diehl, Boothe, Snee and Baas. Bynes' O-line is "I'm coming, I'm coming, CHOO-CHOO HAIL SATAN HEY, I'M A CAT!"

Mike Ropenis

It's amazing the difference between Santa Claus and Mark Sanchez. Only little kids believe in Santa Claus but nobody believes in Mark Sanchez.

Beautifully strange.

To be fair, he's very excited to see a good old white American taking a job back from one of those Mexicans.

This is tremendous. Highly under appreciated.