
England says:

As a reporter who wears jeans or the like to work every day because I never know if I'm covering a murder scene, a riot, a bridge shut down because of a gas tanker on fire, a court case, Ryan Seacrest, arson, a cop being shot, you get the idea, my response to this is fuck you princess and the hell over yourself.

I encourage you to run 800 feet of cable, lug 70+lbs of gear up and down risers, and sprint back and forth to the truck because the reporter forgot his phone/pen/tamaguchi in 100 degree heat - all while wearing formal clothing.

I guess I'll just have to take a raincheck on this royal visit. See ya next time, tossers!

I don't disagree with you but I think it's news because didn't we win a war against the british to get them to stop telling us what to do or something?

Why is this worth reporting? Following the dress code of an event you're attending is basic good manners. It doesn't matter if you're the guest of honour or you work there. A waiter at a black tie event won't serve champagne in a hoodie. It wouldn't even occurr to me, if I were a journalist, to cover a formal event in

I mean, if you're dressed like your going to do some house cleaning and you're really at work, youreally need to think about the choices you are making. But this is a bit much. The fascination with Royals doesn't fully register with me.

Maybe I'm a monster, but here are my dealbreakers (yes, plural):

I have a beard (except I shaved it off for Movember, so currently I have an enormous moustache and beard stubble (it is coming back.)) I've worn it since I left the navy more than a decade ago.

For me, the biggest dealbreaker is if someone demonstrates their unwillingness to be generous or share. I had a really terribly relationship for 2 years that I should have noticed was wrong wrong wrong early on, but I had self esteem issues and had a hard time believing I deserved better. For all the big picture

My boyfriend once made up a bizarre story about needing to borrow three hundred dollars for insurance purposes. I got sick at work the day I loaned it to him, came home early, and discovered he had used my three hundred dollars to finance a meth fueled orgy.

People who snidely correct your use of the English language, doubly so when they're actually wrong. Anyone who mocks your childhood crushes.

jackrabbit sex. You know that sex where it's like they're masturbating but with your vagina.

My boyfriend when I was 19, who was white, decided that dreadlocks expressed who he really was. I broke up with him the next day.

Didn't believe in vaccinations. Ended it right there.

Religion. This is especially hard to avoid when you live in the most conservative part of California.

Throwing garbage out of car windows. Not a cigarette. Like oh I'm done with ____ rolls down window and tosses. I dated a girl who did this and was so instantly turned off because I actually didn't know grown up humans did such things.

They've even outgrown the sideshow bit. Now it seems like a lot of people watch in morbid fascination to find out if the wife really is going to potentially kill herself having any more kids, or whether or not one of the kids is going to go crazy/declare themselves gay/run for the hills.

Something they sell at Hobby Lobby.

The end bead on a string of anal beads.