
Totally not defending this fetish at all. It's just slightly (VERY slightly) easier to wrap my head around because you don't actually see the act of peeing unless the camera is in the bowl... still awful. Still gross.

I think they used to have a red light like the camcorders of old to tell you if they were recording. But I doubt that that is still accurate.

Horror of horrors: I had to have an emergency stop for the bathroom at a gas station on a long drive home last weekend. Even though I was quite literally in pain, I carefully checked the bathroom over before I dropped my drawers. People are sick fucks.

Because who wants to see a flaccid penis urinating? Man junk is not the prettiest even at the best of times.



Ahahahaha. I never thought of this until now but this is all so hilarious TRUE.

You can absolutely tell if there are implants in the breasts, and also prosthetics over the skin. Now, I'm referring to the body scanner here - not a pat down. Back when actual people used to be in a secluded room looking at the images, it was very clear when these things were on the monitor. You still had to call

Stupid double posting. >.<

As a former TSA officer, a prosthetic penis does not look like real flesh on the body scanner. It looks like you have a foreign item in your pants. It does not have the same contrast as flesh on the machine. It looks like a bomb would look if you shoved it in your pants. So! Whereas I certainly will not defend the

I love this. My fiance often tells me that it seems like I'm miserable all the time (which is honestly, news to me - I think I'm pretty happy most of the time!). I think it boils down to exactly what you said - I need to complain pretty frequently, often about minor stuff, to have some emotional contract.

If you truly believe the garbage you're posting, then there is no point in wasting my effort to try to shine a light through your wild and baseless excuses for this kid's behavior.


This post is ridiculous. I think your intention was to mention that plenty of women feel unappreciated and unloved, as well. And that is a valid point.

I actually laughed out loud at this. You must be just passing through, you angry straight white man. Why would you be here if you didn't like the community? Nobody is going to take you seriously. Your energy is wasted.

Thank you for your comment. I appreciate everything you said.

I would not suggest going to the rape discussion that I ventured to. They think that rape is a joke and that their lives are 100000x worse than a rape victim's life. I am in a blind, unbelieving rage right now.

You can search for Jezebel on the page that is linked in the article.

I started reading a couple of the threads over there and honestly have lost all hope for humanity. Don't even try to venture to the threads about rape or you will, too. Off to drink a gallon of wine.