
That second sculpture just astounds me. Unless it was created from multiple pieces of marble, how in the world could you get the definition between the hands and the body without some alien crafting mechanism?

I would have felt the same, but it is good to know that you have gotten enough distance between now and then to see that most people were probably not judging you.

I'm so sorry that that happened to you. You don't deserve that and if anyone in that store had any sense, they would judge HER on her hateful words, not you.

I want you to know that this is exactly what I've learned to do to cope, too. You are not alone. Every single thing. ESPECIALLY, this: "When people are hanging out and being social, I'll talk and participate, but mostly I'm impassive." And then people think I'm cold.

I have had people who are infinitely smaller than me offer me clothes so often that it's comical. I think it's just the "normal" or polite thing to do so they'd rather seem oblivious than rude. I mean, this is family members who love me.

This reminds me of the time we went to Space Camp in Florida in 7th grade. Next up was a zero gravity simulation - how fun, right? They were going to weigh us in front of the class (I was fat then and now) to see how much counterweight would balance us out and then put us in a harness with that weight on the other

This. THIS. I identify with this so much. A chair creaks when I sit down? It must be my weight. A chair scooches back when I'm going to sit down? My girth. Sitting on things is a constant mental humiliation for me.

That first one is exactly, to a T, what happened to me. Complete with the crying while it happened. I think I'm going to throw up.

From his wikipedia page:

"On any given day, 300 million of the two billion women and girls of menstruating age across the world will be bleeding."

Also from MA and as an adult I could still eat fluff by the jar, spooning it in my mouth (I may have once or twice - GUILTY). Nobody has ever understood my love of it when I've lived elsewhere.

I think you're going to get a lot of people strongly disagreeing with this; however, I think to some degree this is a problem in a lot of members of police forces (certainly not all). Qualifications to be an entry-level police officer are largely based on physical fitness and who you know. It is very difficult to get

Is anyone else wondering if she sat in ketchup or is that something normal that I'm just not seeing?

"Meika and her cofounder and father Jeffrey Hollender"

If I was rich and famous, I would have a cute, well-fitting bra for every day of the year. There are so many beautiful options that are crying out to help you, Ms. Woodley.

This one was my fave. I'll release it for him...


That glisten makes me want to hurl.

How I imagine her to be.

Well I found this gif (there are a lot of Blue Lagoon gifs out there!):