
Doesn’t this entrepreneur have a self-sustaining business to run?

Repeated blows to the head. Substance abuse. Abusive relationships. Emotional issues. et cetera.

The most impressive part of this story is how low the numbers are. The most expensive wouldn’t even cover a high end Chevy Suburban.

They do not use Petco. Third party events are held at Petco, but Comic-Con itself does not use the ballpark and never has. They use three off-site venues (the central library, the Lyceum Theatre, and the Indigo Ballroom at the adjacent Hilton Bayfront) for programming only, and in the case of the library and the

Comic-Con representatives have already said that they have no interest in a non-contiguous expansion of the convention center. This convadium proposal is just smoke and mirrors from the Chargers.

The rats is Florida were a goal celebration (until this year when they got infracted for it). The octopus in Detroit is a pre-game playoff tradition. These are tossed onto the ice in the same way hats are for a hat trick, in celebration. Not with malice and with the intent of hitting someone.

How the fuck can I not get a job with ESPN.

Or maybe it is that live shows are tough to pull off and sometimes things go awry.

What does erectile disfunction (ED) have to do with his food or baseball? What are they giving him bonuses for boners? What's going on?

Yes, a billionaire sports team owner is exactly like someone living paycheck to paycheck, except that when one of them goes to the taxpayer hat in hand, he gets called a free-loading loser.

Thank god. As an SD taxpayer, there are about 25 bazillion things I’d like my tax dollars to go to before Dean Spanos sees a penny of them.

Plus, then we get to be the “NFL Boogeyman” for a while.

Sorry, Cam’s actions on Sunday were far less egregious than that fucking commercial Wilson did with Macklemore...

I stopped reading after 911e46z06's letter. (Side note: what the hell kind of internet handle is that anyway?) That shit about his dad being a 40+ year season ticket holder and hopeless optimist with nothing to show for it is absolutely heartbreaking. I half expected the letter to end with, “My father died of a

Fans don’t want to hear it now, but my God are they better off in the long run for not having to deal with the NFL’s garbage anymore.

I hope to gods that the City of San Diego finally understands the negotiation position it is in. The Spanosi (Spanos, plural) were *always, always* going to move if they had the ability to. Throwing money at the process has been near-criminally negligent. The City’s line should be: “you’re only staying here because

I’d send them a farewell package but I already shipped all of my dildos up to Oregon.

Its as if Roethlisberger is being held down against his will.

“Mr. Howard, who hasn’t done jack shit in years, is widely considered to have the single worst contract in Major League Baseball history. Ruben Amaro, that stupid asshole, extended him years before he was even eligible for free agency. He didn’t even buy out his pre-arb years! This was fair in that it paid Mr. Howard

Miko....That’s....That’s not how birds work at all.

San Diego, you have been liberated from a greedy, assbag owner who wanted you to pay for his playground and a tone-deaf sports league that literally doesn’t care about anything other than money, revels in stupidity, and is slowly killing its players. And all it cost you was eight days a year of overpriced tickets and