Jesus, why does Gay have to be so flamboyant?
Jesus, why does Gay have to be so flamboyant?
The celebration? Meh.
What IS ridiculous is grown men pearl clutching about a touchdown celebration using the cliches actual athletes and coaches in interviews.
You’re not being interviewed.
No one cares about your opinion (thus the gray font).
They play a game. (which you obviously take too seriously.)
Absolutely insane that terrorist attacks in the West would resonate with people in the West. I just can’t fathom it.
I don’t hear Rodgers defending Norwegians when fans chant “VIKINGS SUCK”!
Unlike Europe’s justifiable reticence to join George W. Bush’s dubious escapades in the Middle East, there will be no such reluctance now. This was an act of war by an organization that likes to fancy itself a legitimate state. ISIS shall reap the whirlwind.
Like everyone else, I’m not surprised by this at all. Yelp is whiny, entitled white people headquarters. Of course they’re harsh on minorities.
Horrible, yes, but why is it racist?
I live in NOLA and went through Katrina. Was exiled for a year in Houston. Watched my children cry themselves to sleep at night because they couldn’t go home.
It depends on the expense. Some activities through clubs may not be covered. Technically, they pay cadets every month depending on whether they are a Plebe, Yuk, Cow, or Firstie, and from that pay they take out the costs of room and board, uniforms, etc. I think as a Plebe you’re paid around 800 dollars/month, but you…
Only literally every time we’ve written about them.
I think you’re doing Daniel Snyder a real disservice by suggesting he’s not capable of being simultaneously spiteful and incompetent.
“Yoga is chance for you to be totally selfish and focus on only yourself for the duration of the class.” Exactly. My yoga teacher says Yoga is the only class at the gym where, if you’re tired and need to go to child’s pose, the teacher says, “Good, you’re resting.” And you get a nap at the end.
And if he was smart with his money, he left his family with generational wealth. Isn’t that what parents want for their kids. To leave them in a better situation than they had?
This is all good advice, but I’m still going to keep avoiding eye contact with that masturbating guy on the bus.
If this were 1975, that’d be one thing, but how does this continue to happen in 2015? It’s ridiculous! There’s STILL a professional basketball team in Wisconsin?
“Coming to you live from campaign headquarters, where President-Elect Thomas E. Dewey...”
At least he doesn't have any problems counting his sheep.
Said someone 20 years ago and 20 years before that as well (so on and so forth).
Desmond was certainly worried about interference:
In the poll, you should have a “yes, she’s awful but I wish she was bitchier” option.