Steeze McQueen

Kill it with..water?

@Dollarbill4: Your information is sorely outdated

Is there anything gulf livery doesnt look great on??

@SuperfunkMF: What about Jerry Seinfeld? Would you happen to personally know him?

@OA 5599: I was hoping someone would post a video of T-Rex..this guy has been all over off road magazines for years

@jbh11126: Just realized he didnt even have the ski rack on the new lambo in that pic

@GreenN_Gold: He's been running the gumball 3000 the past few years in his lambo' might have seen it there

@jbh11126: His new one is just as cool..

@Sean Stott: You a making an incredibly broad generalization and embarrassing yourself.

@Sean Stott: hmm can't tell if my sarcasm meter is broken or you're really just that ignorant

Awesome. Makes me wanna ditch my mobil 1 and start using shell

@GianniP: Agreed. I love ferrari styling and think about 95% of their cars are beautiful...but for some reason this one just doesnt do it for me ..not quite sure why either, I can't just pick one feature - just the entire car itself

@long_live_the_E36: That might be the least informed/stupidest statement I've read on Jalop in a can you make such a broad generalization and compare one thing to something else that costs over 100x more?


Although I might be in the minority here...I've gotta say I have never ever ever liked this car

@oddseth: I work in Cambridge, MA at the're preaching to the choir