I agree that this looks SUPER bad for him, but in his position I would 100% not talk to the police either. There are zero upsides and many, many, many downsides.
I agree that this looks SUPER bad for him, but in his position I would 100% not talk to the police either. There are zero upsides and many, many, many downsides.
I think you tried a little too hard on this one.
Wrongo pal. If you’re in any sort of legal situation you’re foolish if you can afford a lawyer and don’t utilize it.
“and lawyered up right away”
Yes, it is terrible when people have the nerve to exercise their Constitutional rights and it clearly means they are guilty rather than following their attorney’s advice.
But a 4x4 truck on ATs with a little weight in the back is likely just as good as the Subaru with factory tires.
Way too much bs click bait and hypocrisy on this site. we need to use our brains better dear writers. what happened to the ability to think here?
Jalopnik writers: Cannonball runs are bad and speeding is bad and so is racing!
Also Jalopnik wirters: This person who was driving 18mph over the speed limit should not have been pulled over in the first place!
Sixty three in a 45 will get anyone stopped, regardless of color, every single time. Nice try, though.
This post’s title is misleading click-bait and should be changed immediately. I think that this was indeed a DWB stop but it does Not appear that the officer is planting evidence. My impression is that it is exactly as the cop explained. He found a baggie on the guy and then disdainfully tossed it in the back seat.…
Aren’t we allowed to punch those morons in the back of the head?
Let me preface with I’m not being an apologist for stupidity just clarifying. Rich people aren’t paying this markup (in general I’m sure there are some shithead millionaire Youtubers out there or some other daddys money knuckleheads who do shit like that), often these markups are paid by assholes who can just about…
From an economic standpoint, much like ticket scalpers, the dealers are just finding the true value. The MSRP is an arbitrary price which, when an item has high demand, leaves money on the table. Yes, people might not like it, but unlike milk and bread, new cars and tickets to concerts and sporting events are not…
And people blame china for taking out a page of ye olde western colonial playbook and using it themselves lol
Do we need an article every week saying the exact same thing? Do you guys not have anything else to write about?
...you can use a truck as a truck and not be hauling and towing at full capacity. I’ve seriously got to believe people like you have never really needed a truck and therefore can’t image the actual uses for one. Hauling parts from a junkyard, hauling lawn equipment, hauling plants, dirt, rocks, furniture, etc, etc,…
I for one feel great relief knowing that the great state of California can again dictate fuel economy standards for the entire country. As we all know, California has proved itself time and again the best-run state. Having lived here for 20 years I feel very confident that the terrible economy, union-run legislature,…
How about, and I know this is foreign to society now, but how about we stop judging people off of a single thing? Maybe just be like “oh ok, they like that”? Why do we have make enemies of everyone who doesn’t agree with us on even a single issue? Why are we so quick to rob not only other people, but ourselves, of…
A truck, to their detractors, stands as a shorthand for “making America great again”
I’ve always found it weird that people concern themselves with what other people are buying. I have a truck. It’s really no one’s business other than my own as to why I have a truck. I don’t need to justify it to anyone else. These same questions never get asked of people with sports cars or people with motorcycles.…