Steeze McQueen

@thepeopleselbow: Im heart clicking you just because EDIAS was such a sick movie and you reminded me

@Bonhomme7h: nice. +1 for the picture to prove it and the little mark over the 'e'

@DerekB: andddd we have a winner

@RamblinReck89: Theres no such thing as a 228 mph Evo being gaudy and annoying

I've been waiting for this kind of post for a long, long time...thank you jalopnik

That is a damn cool looking paint scheme on the post

@Blitzschnell: holy crap..that'll pucker up your butt hole

james dean's crashed 550 spyder

@LeftlaneBandito: lol oops 2-3' sure your ranger would have no problem with the 2-3" though ;)

@LeftlaneBandito: a clutch is by no means essential to starting a car

@yachius: Pretty much my (realistic) dream garage..good to see some many wranglers on this site..your quads too?

@JSmith53: JalopJeepers unite! Love the wheel of my top choices for the next set

@clinto: You sir get my vote for the best summer ride on this entire blog

@IppoJ: haha little farther north..pic is last summer in the berkshires of good ol massachusetts

Nothin better

its a culmination of everything I love about automobiles..despite the price I still say..

@Hot_Carl: I always thought that too..until I locked my keys inside of my TJ with the hardtop on and had to call AAA

Just another reason to love wranglers..