Steeze McQueen

@buffcoat and beaver: ouch cmon cant group staind with those two the lead singer aaron lewis lives about 2 minutes down the road from me and is very very nice guy

@m2m: Sharp eye sir. This man has a plethora of awesomeness at his disposal

ahh darwinism at its finest

I have a choice:

@snap_understeer_ftw: As would I. He's a pretty damn funny guy and is sure to attract lots of attention from girls...what's not to like?

@leavethegun-takethecannoli: I hear ya...between the top gear episode I watched where it was the feature car, and seeing one on the road about two weeks ago it has really grown on me

Don't think anyone has said it yet...

@CahbonFiabah: Grumpy? I thought this website was for people who enjoy driving cars...this guy seems to be doing a pretty damn good job of it

@GTRbrian: Sweet jesus...wouldn't suprise me if he was going up the hill not down

@GV_Goat: I kinda meant more like heart clicking an article instead of a comment

God damn Sam you have great articles

What car is it parked on top of?

@maximum_sarge: we just got a fresh 6+" in mass and I can't wait to take my '01 TJ out and play...gonna be a longgg night of shoveling/come-a-longing myself out of ditches and i cant wait