
The new livery looks fine. And that’s its problem, it just looks fine. Uninspired. It’s not tacky or horrendous. It’s just... Fine. I like the old livery better, too, but the only reason to hate the new one is because of Trump. If Obama had introduced it you’d be singing its praises and the Trumpers would be finding a

That was a gorgeous concept

I’m curious what it cost him to set the record, considering his dad built the car. 

Second Gen Avalanche. 

That flat black plastic trim really screams premium. 

The C7 has about the shortest stopping distance of any production car and this one is going to be better, soooo..


Basically perfect. 

Way way way too long. It's a regular transmission with a differential mounted in place of the tail shaft

Go to a different dealership

I, too, buy cars based on scenarios I’ll never, ever encounter in it. I passed on the F150 because, even though it would haul more than I could every need, it doesn’t run in a vacuum.

Road head is only fun the first time, when you're 16. 


You right here.

I think the styling thing worked out

The driver centric cockpit looks very ergonomic. For the driver. The passenger can ask the driver to touch the buttons

I’m 31 and am really excited about this car. The interior looks great, I like the buttons, and it seems like they’re really focusing on getting back to the car’s roots. And for those complaining that it’s not, I would argue that the car’s roots are as a Chevrolet that uses Chevrolet parts and engineering to give you an

Did you watch the reveal? They spent what seemed to me to be a fair bit of time emphasizing that the CERV 2-3 were awd. Which in my mind strengthens the idea that future versions may be awd hybrids. Which provides a clear path to all electric versions.  I've done some attentive driving in an R8 and would definitely

I miss the round tail lights but all these idiots saying it looks like a Ferrari, imagine with round tail lights

Anyone else find it interesting how much emphasis they kept putting on the Cerv cars being awd?