
They did not even have covid-19 is the truly wacky part.

Complete morons. Wow. What kind of person goes out and basically does the equivalent of a street drug to cure a virus that will in all likelihood cause very mild symptoms? Why were they so scared? Were all the news and reports they’ve been watching sensationalizing or fear mongering them into hysteria over this

Seriously? This looks good?

I keep reading comments and then scrolling up to the picture to see what the hell people are talking about. I don’t see what the hell people are talking about!

The places with the worst taxes seem to have the worst roads.

“I made the biggest mistake you can make in motorsports. I borrowed money to go racing,”

Thank God they didn’t actually produce that concept, or any of their other concepts, because I’d be about 84 months in debt right now otherwise.

This truck is like something out of a movie...a low budget 80s movie taking a half ass guess as to what cars in 2020 will look like.

This truck is probably the best publicity Ford could have gotten. 

I want to see a test thats 60mph-____ in 3 seconds. As in, 3 seconds of wide open throttle, what speed will you be traveling. 

Brakes: exist

Now playing

My dad has a couple of steel pennies from WWII. Copper was in even shorter supply than steel.

No need to call the police for everything. Sort it out youself! Christ. 

I have 2 manuals already, I think real talk, that I would accept a DCT as my next performance car.  

Cheap is relative. Sure they had to design the car, but they have had to design all the previous ones as well. The engine is not a clean sheet design but an iteration of the current one, the interior is no larger than the current car, it has the same number of wheels and lights and body panels - the only real

Yup. I think a Z51 will be easily available at $50K by then. Easily.

I think he has confused hyper cars with super cars there, by his reckoning a Lamborghini Huracan isn't a super car, nor a Ferrari 458\488 etc when they most certainly are.

That’s hypercar territory, in my book.

God I'd buy that in a heartbeat