
America will absolutely stand for it. I think what people miss about the book The Handmaiden’s Tale which the show barely addresses was that everyone did accept it through indifference and/or blindness. They kept saying “this will never happen,” “someone will stop it,” etc. except no one did because by the time it was


Except it wasn’t that strict of a theme. The exhibit itself opens with a suit worn by I forget which Bush president, one worn by I think Lincoln and a garment worn by an enslaved person, and the exhibit features dresses from the 50s, 60s, 70s in addition to what is classically understood as the Gilded Age.

How many years since Marilyn wore the dress? And today's starlets still try to copy her. Sad.

Looks like they should have watched “The Gilded Age” on HBO to better understand the theme.

She didn’t nail anything. The Dress was wasted at this event, because it had no bearing at all on the theme. AND she didn’t even look that great in it. Part of Marilyn’s allure in it was how “free” her body was under it. She wasn’t corseted up, she was sensuous. Kim looks freezedried. 

It’s so weird to me that there are people worrying about having to take their shoes off at someone’s house and if they wore the right socks. Like, chill, trust me, no one gives a shit about your socks, and the person whose house you’re at cares a hell of a lot more about not getting dust and debris from your shoes all

The wear spots in carpeting are created by grains of sand cutting the carpet, primarily brought in by shoes.

I’d say that 99% of the time, my shoes come off the second I walk in my door.  I keep my slippers by the door so I don’t get my socks too dirty.  When I go to my friends homes, I follow their lead.

Yeah but Canadians are insanely polite. We are talking about Americans here. A country filled with morons that think it’s okay to yell in people’s faces maskless during a COVID surge as well.
I wish I was Canadian. I am open to being adopted. Just sayin’

I am 100% positive that the author of that article is also a member of the “I don’t wash my legs in the shower” brigade. Her floors must be nasty if she thinks that her shoes are cleaner. 

Then put on booties. Nobody wants you dragging mud and dirt onto their carpet.

Oh boy, where to even start with this. First off, I 100% think that my floors are cleaner than the soles of Kris Frieswick’s shoes. Actually, I know it for a fact: I do not have filth “all over my floors.” You know why? Because I take my shoes off at the door, and I clean my floors weekly. Second off, what must Kris

A pretty demanding attitude you have toward people inviting you into their home. 

It’s funny to see 10 years of popular culture and fashion all mashed up. I grew up during the 80's and definitely remember the early 80's being more 70's-ish, then mid-80's being kind of 50's-ish, then towards the end everything was super dayglow.

In a lot of ways, the 80s were terrible. But, in my opinion, it was the best decade for music, hands down. There is nothing, and I mean *nothing* being done today, or even in the last couple of decades, that wasn’t already done in the 80s (and late 70s). You just need to scratch below the surface of the Top 40. There

I graduated from HS in ‘84. Lots of feelings of nostalgia reading this. It’s missing my early HS uniform, though, of jeans, t-shirt, and unbuttoned flannel shirt. I probably wore that at least 50% of the time my freshman and sophomore years.

CPR isn’t useful on a living person. The best way to treat a STEMI in progress is to give sublingual nitro (1 tab every 5 minutes with a max of three doses in 15 minutes) and 4 chewable tablets of baby aspirin and call 911. If there is no nitro on hand, then give the aspirin alone and call.

Carrie is useless in any kind of crisis, so her not calling 911 or making any attempt to save the man she loved tracks. If Samantha or Miranda aren’t there to do the heavy lifting, Carrie falls apart. I would’ve added Charlotte, but they’ve decided that her life direction is overly emotional and twee, so she would’ve

Yes, if he was already very obviously dead, then it would have made sense. But he was alive and LOOKING RIGHT AT HER! And she was just like, Damn, oh, well, guess you’re dying, nothing I can do! Again, having Big die is totally fine. But to not even show her making a last desperate attempt to save him? What were these