
When Biden announced he was running, I audibly groaned. “No one wants Biden to be president!,” I said. I thought there was no way anyone would go out of their way to vote for him.

YouTube journalist = two words that should never be beside each other. 

To quote one of my favorite MST episodes:

“A lot of YouTube journalists have just lost one hell of a lot of credibility,”

Given what we’ve learned in recent days, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was one of the Trump loyalist SS who deliberately fucked shit up.

Agreed. If a grown man/woman can’t use a restroom without having to call in a hazmat team, the onus is on the Secret Service to replace them, no matter who they’re guarding.

Amen. The thing I hate most is the trend for “inspirational” phrases, or just words, written all over the house. Like “live, laugh, love” or whatever.  I want to get a giant, gilded, carved calligraphy “shit” for my bathroom.

It goes along with my theory that while branded as a space to embrace creativity, Pinterest is actually where creativity and unique expression goes to die.

I hate this idea. Maybe it’s just because I pee a lot and Minnesota has four seasons. But the idea of staying in some outbuilding, without a restroom, that I have to be out in the elements to get to? No thanks. Make everyone else in the house leave.

Whatever, wine mom. Live, laugh, love!

I think you might be misinterpreting my hyperbole for actual ire.

Can someone explain to me why the fuck Americans are so obsessed with labeling everything? Why does it have to be a “she shed”, “man cave”, “demo day”? And don’t get me started on basic bitches labeling baskets you can clearly see the contents of, and the epitome of this crap, those faux shabby chic signs with crap

Theory: She sheds are the natural response to the “open concept” house everyone thought they wanted but quickly learned meant “No place at all to get away to”.

I was taught in j-school to write for clarity and that if an activist group tried to police your language, to throw their tips in the trash. you can’t cover this story without using the both names. otherwise there is no story.

We’re soo close!!

I love this bingo card SO much

This is great! 

I love this story contest!!! It’s one of the highlights of October for me :) I’m going to give this a shot here. Hopefully I’m not too late. Here we go…

So this isn’t terribly scary but it’s definitely the eeriest thing that’s ever happened to me. Disclaimer: I am not “psychic”, I don’t have gifts, I have never been a spooky type although I do believe there are people with psychic gifts. I am not one of them.

I honestly don’t know. For months afterward I would look through any local news in that area to see if anyone had disappeared in those woods