
Trump losing in November is important, but he has to lose BIG. And not just him. The Republican party needs to be knocked down multiple pegs, and there need to be consequences for this party’s members for their complicity in all of Trump and his administration’s crimes. Otherwise all of this we are dealing with now

Not if Ivanka has her way - she’ll stab in the back right on 5th Avenue and no one will do anything about it!!!  She’s the People’s Princess, ya know!

It’s funny to me that the woman pushing this diet’s last name means Sugar Bread.

Saying weight and looks don’t matter while showing they still matter a whole lot is our culture’s newest sick aspect of appearance policing.

my daily fitness journey:

“Because my hair—I don’t know about you, but it has to be perfect. Perfect,”

You see, one is about personal freedom and the other is a girl or young woman making personal choices. Surely you  an see the vast differences between these situations? 

“Kenya, you cannot come in here with those dreadlocks and that mask. This is a place of learning!”

“Jenny, you are showing too much skin and it is making the boys and Mr. Boner-in-class too agitated during lessons. We are going to need to single you out, attempt to shame you, stuff you in a ugly and poorly cleaned sweatshirt and, if you resist any of this, call your parents to stop what they are doing and

They’re not the loss I’m concerned about. It’s the people trying to stay safe that they inadvertently infect that I’m worried about.

I guess there’s a certain poetry to dying of a respiratory disease after a Chainsmokers concert.

$25,000! For The Chainsmokers?!

On the bright side, anyone willing to risk their lives for the goddamn Chainsmokers probably isnt any great loss, anyways....

WTF is wrong with this country??? I swear we are the most selfish, self-centered, idiotic people on the planet. Also Chainsmokers, really? If I was going to risk my life and that of my loved ones, I could probably think of 100 other acts I would rather see JUST off the top of my head. Lianne La Havas immediately

You would make a much better hostess and socialite than this dipshit.

The thing is, it’s not even that hard to have a responsible get-together. Especially if you’re rich! Given her status, I’m guessing she has a large property with lots of outdoor space, and might not have even needed to restrict her guest list much beyond what she already did in order to make it safe. And it would be

Imaging going to Vanilla Ice concert and dying from virus. That has to be lamest way out.

Thanks for making me hate country music even more.

I can’t with all the “you can’t live in FeAr” people.