
As a home repair expert, I think Ron Swanson may have missed his calling as a paranormal debunker.

Ghost: I am the spirit of an ax murderer from 1873...woooo

Meh. The ghosts in my head are way more scary.

Its all about the ratings, and as long as he is anywhere near a camera it will continue to be so. He was, is and will continue to be a tv reality show host at his core. That is what is most important to him. 

Make America Great Again” (and the shit Sara Palin was selling) has always been about making it look like Happy Days and Leave It To Beaver. A special time when Moms had dinner ready every night while looking like cover models for Good Housekeeping and not a single person of color lived on the “right” side of town.

She has edited her Twitter bio to read, “Not Donna Reed, I can tell you that.”

I wonder what is so terribly wrong with our country that we nurtured this asshole to keep believing that women should be seen and not heard. And then elevated him to the highest office.

“I like presidents that don't get shot in theaters."

I had to remind some fuckstick on FB who responded to another comment with “snowflake” that trump was the biggest snowflake of them all. I pointed out that he couldn’t let anything roll off his back which is confirmed by his daily Twitter rants. It’s astounding that his base is the first to scream “snowflake” and yet

“Jesus was treated very badly. But I’m treated worse. You know why? Because the fake news crucifies me everyday. time. Me every day. So wrong, so unfair.”

Is Trump not aware there was no twitter during Lincoln time???? 

I’m pretty disappointed in this year’s selection. The thrift store one is OBVIOUSLY fake. And honestly, dumb. And that really sucks. In years past y’all were so much better at vetting them. AND you’d take them down if they were fake! 

Absolutely agree. I walk a lot, at night, and if I see a man I am very cautious, but if he’s black I feel relieved, because I know he is the LEAST likely man to hassle me.

In the headlines, In life, nomatter how smart, vital, or generous a woman may be, she’s worth less is she’s not described as being conventionally pretty.

And where oh where are all the women who have been sexually assaulted by transwomen in public bathrooms? Surely Trump would want to get them all on stage...

In the documentary, 13, it clearly states that the incident of a white man raping a black woman is much higher than a black man raping a white woman. And it has been this way every year since slavery has ended, which is when these sort of crime statistics began being tracked.

The shallowness of Trump’s performative empathy is amply demonstrated by his radio silence on the slaying of Celia Barquin Arozamena. She was also a vibrant, outgoing young woman, a recent college graduate and outstanding golfer at Iowa State killed in a crime of opportunity by a complete stranger. This also happened

I can’t imagine how traumatizing it was for Mollie’s family and friends to hear that robocall. Or just to hear her name flung around as a political talking point day after day. How do you even begin to heal?

God I hate this narrative Trump and co are peddling. I’ve been sexually assaulted twice and both times it was by people that I knew. Everyone involved was white (obviously it doesn’t matter if you are an immigrant or not when it comes to someone trying to rape you. Rapists come in all colors). Toxic masculinity is

This American Life did an amazing story on the MS-13 killings on Long Island. It’s called “The Runaways”. Everyone should listen to it.