
I started reading these in bed alone in the dark last night and had to stop.  In the office in broad daylight should be safe right?

The house that I grew up in dated back to the early 1700s. It was a mansion, that had been converted into apartments. Supposedly it was used as the basis for one of the locations in a Sherlock Holmes story. Presumably because Sir Arthur Conan Doyle lived about a mile away, and you could see my house from there.


This did happen to me but I have to rely on my parents’ telling of it decades later because I was too small to remember at the time.

My family and I moved into the apartment we currently live in when I was in the second grade. The day we moved in I vividly remember walking around alone and as I was sitting on the ledge of the window , without any thought, I said to myself “I think a ghost lives here. A man died here.”. I don’t know how, I don’t

In August of 1996, friends of mine were getting married. We all met in Chicago, but oddly enough, both the bride and groom originally came from Southern California. Bride’s family lived in Studio City; groom’s mom lived in Northridge, and they chose a lovely restaurant in Ojai, the Ranch House, to hold their ceremony

When my husband and I got engaged, I was living with a roommate. To save money for the wedding, rather than re-upping my lease, I moved back into my childhood home. This meant my parents and grandparents (who lived there) were always keeping an eye out to be sure we weren’t fornicating.

So, being creative, young


Rest in peace, Kate. You brought joy and color and life and fun and whimsy to a lot of people, thus making their lives better. Wherever you are now, I hope you are at peace.

I’m sorry but I have had this bone to pick with Sex and the City for years now. There is no world in which Carrie Bradshaw hates a sparkly purse shaped like a random animal or bird or whatever. Maybe, maybe, she’s not into the specific bird she receives because it’s not ridiculous enough for her tastes, but that’s it.

Except when you talk to a small, dull, child, you’d be more concerned about their understanding of the issues involved instead of what FOX News might think

Honestly, this is the most common strategy I’ve seen for dealing with powerful, difficult people in corporate America—particularly men. I don’t like it, but I recognize it.

Typically, she does not bluntly disagree with him, but walks him through how the press might react to something. For instance, the official says, if Sanders objects to a strategy Trump has suggested, she might say, “Well, here’s what the follow-up question on that issue is going to be, so how would we answer that?”

Yeah, its that Kellyanne is so unhinged that she is obviously full of shit. Sanders is a more practiced liar and better at it, which makes her more dangerous.

It’s like blaming a bear for stepping into a bear trap. These expectations were designed to make women feel bad so that we’ll buy things or services to try and “be better.” We can’t blame ourselves, but we can have this actualization that these expectations are unrealistic, unfair and that our true validation will

Yeah. Sarah Silverman was doing that schtick 15 years ago and did it better.

Idk buzzfeed was doing their soulcycle videos it seemed young fit people were there at least in that location.

I liked Trainwreck a lot but I tried to watch her recent Netflix special and found it completely unwatchable. 10+ minutes of smelly vagina jokes, seemingly tailored to get the live audience screaming at her daring, but completely dull for the TV audience.

I wanted so badly for this to succeed, exclusively b/c I adore Busy.

I just want to see this movie because Busy mentioned that she and Michelle were in it together in the DC reunion article last month.