
Don’t worry though, you can still post as many pics of your AR-15 as you’d like. THAT’S not obscene at all!

The light and life are slowly draining from her face. Soon she will give off a vibe like her stepmother.

I didn’t notice at first. Still looks like “Ethically Bankrupt Barbie” to me.

came here to say exactly this - she looks more and more plastic these days. Like literally made of plastic.

On our dime.

Her face is always being tweaked. Gotta keep those Trump genes away somehow.

that lede image. yeesh.

Well, my dad and grandad were NYPD, and they seemed to think it was pretty sound considering the difficulty of hitting what you are shooting at even when trained. But wtf would they know.

I’ve never understood what possible way there is to keep a firearm in the home that is both safe and secure from children (or theft), but also useful in the case of a home invasion.

seriously, Christ trash. You get Ted Nugent, not Bruce Springsteen. Victoria Jackson, not Amy Poehler. Feel free to suck on the barrel of your precious gunz if that’s a problem for you.

Possibly due to the Nick Offerman tweet, I read this post in Ron Swanson’s voice. He would disapprove heartily of “hunters” who can’t shoot properly.

Contrary to what the NRA would have you believe...

For me, hunting deer is a multi-phase process:

Just read that Nick Offerman tweet and honestly I have never been more turned on in my entire life. Verbally abusing the NRA might be my sexuality?

Everything you said is 100% correct. Also: if someone really is trying to break into your house to kill you it is going to happen at night, likely when you are asleep, and you are going to be caught off guard, disoriented, and confused. None of which is going to make you very effective with a weapon.

This all day.

You know they just went to giphy or Google and searched for a “thank you” meme or some such. They clearly have no idea who Amy Poehler is.

I’m thinking more of a Dennis Feinstein, completely corrupt and soulless.

If the NRA want to be any Parks and Rec character it can be Jean-Ralphio, the complete piece of shit faker no one likes but no one seems to know quite how to kill.

Woah, if even RON SWANSON is against the NRA then the NRA is finished in Pawnee.