
Ten bucks Patient Zero is Jax.

YESSS nothing like her coked out Tommy Tune scene! BRING ON SINGLE LU 2.0!


I fucking love Lu too much... she is the gif that keeps giving.

this must have been pre-jax

What are the odds this clause was added post-pirate?

Excellent photo for this piece.

If nobody says this, I’ll be sorely disappointed. When does RHONY start again, RHOBH is just too boring at the moment.

I beg to differ. Vacation Luann is the best Luann.

Well, I for one look forward to the Ramona gifs that will come from what is sure to be the funniest episode of RHONY ever.

If I can help one person see how this kind of pervasive racism exists and hurts people it’ll be more than worth it. Thanks, Chris.

For my two cents, I totally give JJ the benefit of the doubt. He’s never had anything like this happen before, and he seems like a genuinely chill dude.

I do however have a problem, and full disclosure I am a Chinese-American man. A lot of people here seem to think it’s an impossibility that someone would be racist

Not as scary as the fact that he thinks Putin is his friend.

I hope they tie some voter registration efforts to this big student walkout that is going to be happening, because there are millions of high school kids who are 18 or will be in time for the 2018 midterms that can have a big effect in flipping congress and actually bringing this trump disaster to an end.

The man’s been adopting whatever opinion gets him the most attention for so long, that he’s completely forgotten (if he ever knew) how to have one of his own.

And may the odds be never in Trump’s favour.

Now playing

This couldn’t be more Hunger Games if the billionaires were throwing up macaroons. President Yellow Snow has found his Katniss though cause Emma is coming for him.