
Someone asked me to get them flowers for their birthday.

Oop. Cool. Felt like that was a mini-attack. But I’ll take a look behind the curtain. Huh.

I’m enjoying reading this like it’s a circa 2005 LiveJournal blog post about a group of girlfriends going out to hate-watch The Worst Movie Night, Wine Required. So I’m torn between “why would you all do this to yourselves, I hope you got paid a bonus for risking your mental sanity” and “Can I come too, you guys seem

The reporting on a specific Doritos products for female consumers is inaccurate.

YES! Sorry, dude. But more stories for the scary story contest in October!

Now I don’t know whether I hope nothing else scary happens to you, or whether I do, so you can share it in Jez’ scary story contest! :)

As a Bay Area resident I’ve gone to the Winchester Mystery House maybe half a dozen times; it’s a phenomenal visit if you get the chance. I’m completely on board with the theory that Swift’s building an East Coast version.

I’d be interested in a study comparing the golden parachutes men receive to those that women receive. Well, maybe “interested” isn’t the right word. I’d like to see the study and keep a copy so when I think I may feel better if I puke, I can just read it.

To be fair, that’s really only like ... 12 pairs of their tights.

meaaaa, probably extra 5lbs in his midsection

Look, he was just asking them to bend over so he could check their tights for visibility issues.

Jfc, I’m done. Keep on keeping on with these posts. Ugh. I FUCKING HATE THIS FAMILY. /angry old lady

This. For the last 10+ years, since I’ve been watching the show, every time a guy plans a hike for a date, I’m like, no fucking way. I’m not trying to get murdered over here.

I didn’t watch the season Arie was on originally. He just seems like a very odd choice for a lead.

No, but I remember wearing them circa 1989.

My guess is that all the women suddenly realized that Arie wasn’t going to get any more interesting or attractive, packed their bags, and left.

Melania’s never watched HTGAWM. She just heard that Michelle loves it.

She married a racist POS and spread his racist birther narrative on TV. She wanted to be rich. This is the price she pays. Can we stop feeling sorry for her?

She is especially interested in season 1.

There is a big difference between a woman on the edge of poverty not being able to leave an abusive relationship and a woman who literally wore a $50,000 coat for one day. She could sell 5 pieces of her wardrobe and manage to support herself and her kid if she wanted out. She knew the marriage she was signing up for