
No. What everyone knows and doesn’t actually say (i will probably get reamed for this) is that his son is (likely) special needs/on the spectrum. And in those instances, moving school and changing scenery can be disruptive for their development. Luckily Trump has the resources to make sure Baron has everything he

Melania’s absence from the White House will make it sooooo much easier for him to pick out wife number 5.

It’s not a real cost if it hits the “libruls” of NYC, tho.

What really chaps my ass is that THIS MOTHERFUCKER DOESN’T PAY TAXES. So OUR taxes are paying for it. But not HIS.

She hates her husband. I am sure she expected him to die by now. She has just been waiting for some excuse to not have to live with him. However, the trumps should have to pay for all of the security for her and Baron if they aren’t going to follow convention.

Fascists hate art.

They also attacked Obama for taking vacations, even though he took fewer than George W Bush did. I bet we won’t hear a peep from them this weekend when President Combover takes his first vacation, just two weeks into the job.

Funny that my FB fiends who were all over the obamas whenever they went anywhere On Taxpayer Dimez are not saying a thing about this.

Melania signed up to be the pampered wife of a billionaire. Not first lady. I can imagine she’s pretty pissed off about all of this.

As a former military kid, this makes me furious. I moved schools, lived in dumps, moved every few years (or year!) and left friends behind my whole life. His son and wife can move to a fucking palace FOR FREE and move schools ONE TIME. Seriously, people make this sacrifice for the government. They can too.

Word on the street is that Ivanka and Jared are currently being phased out in favour of Bannon’s Nazi cabal.

I was reading this thinking, “So, if the president’s wife loved him, you could have the National Endowment for the Arts...”

It’s definitely been my assumption that she didn’t have a choice in this. Narcissists devalue their partners. He doesn’t want her making any inconvenient friends in the White House that she might actually confide in. Especially with this White House leaking like a sieve already. Any power or influence she might be

Yeah, how’s that whole “anti-cyberbullying” thing going?

THIS. SO MUCH THIS. It isn’t about being “fiscally conservative.” It’s about gutting the country’s arts & humanities programs, research, & education.

If it didn’t cost around a million dollars a fucking day I wouldn’t care where she lived... but seriously, our tax money is going to that? And trumpets are just like, yea it’s totes ok.

“Fist Lady” is a wonderful Freudian slip.

“...she is very much embracing ... the first lady...”

“While she is a mom first, she is very much embracing the role and responsibilities of first lady,”

Malignia is staying in New York, so Barron can be with his real father. Why wont Trump just take the paternity test already?