
I live in a doorman building and I lock my door to take the trash out, 5 steps from my door, because it is just a habit.


i once (drunkenly) left my apartment keys in the lock on the outside of the apartment door

I believe you. Holy crap. Your experience sounds like something Aaron Mahnke would be interested in.

“Look at Me” and the one about the phantom outside with a truck freak the bejesus out of me.


Been waiting for this all year!!! Yay!

I live in LA which is about as *blue* as you can get and I’m afraid to have a Hillary lawn sign.

I got a “Proud to be a Democrat” bumper sticker in the mail and I will not put it on my car. The risks are too high.

Just me, but i wouldn’t put any kind of bumper sticker on my car. People aren’t recognizing any boundaries these days. Social Media is Whack. Not everyone need to know your personal or political beliefs. I don’t like making decisions out of fear, but I won’t lose my ride out of pride.

That’s not even counting the ghost hunting industry, with hotels and bed-and-breakfast specifically advertising hauntings, ghost hunting weekends, and charging extra for staying in a reputedly haunted room.

Anyone wanna invest in my haunted house where you walk around and cute animals in costumes come out and you pet them and give them treats and everyone goes home happy and not at all traumatized?

Because Americans love to terrify themselves. See current presidential election.

The PopMech piece is interesting. I wonder if a part of the seemingly recent uptick has something to do with all of the large commercial space available for seasonal rent. With abandoned Circuit City/Borders stores still unoccupied in some/many areas, landlords are seeking any sort of income. In LA, that tends to mean

I worked as a valet at Haunted House for a day once. It was as shitty of a job as it sounds. The crowd was really varied. People from all walks of life putting down their hard earned money to have the shit scared out of them by stoned high school students.

The other day on the bus, I overheard an employee/actor from a haunted house describe some of his experiences. He said he’s seen customers urinate and defecate in fear.

Eek! It’s almost that time of year when Jez posts its scariest stories. Oh god, every time that post comes up I don’t sleep for days.

Imagine the driveway to your house. Cut off about 30% of it.
That’s a two way road. There is no shoulder. Because of hedges and turns, you can see, maybe 20 feet in front of you at a time.
If you drive the speed limit, there will be a 90 year old pensioner behind you in a lorry with a L on the windshield screaming &

I feel like I might be slightly better-than-average equipped for Ireland because I grew up in Boston. Stupidly narrow (and winding) roads? Check. Insanely fast drivers with no concern or respect for traffic signals or lane boundaries? Check. Small talk about the weather? Check. With the possible exception of

Based on just that clip above (as I had to stop watching all Bravo shows for my own well being), it seems like Kellys are cursed on the Housewives shows.