
I really hope the “pee in the shower” folks are not in the “don’t wash your legs” camp. Each one baffles me, but combined, it’s kind of horrifying.

I wash my legs because I pee in the shower.

Longtime Jez fan, first time poster. I created this account just now because Jackie was a casual friend of mine and I’m the one who sent the story into Jezebel. Just wanted to say thank you so much for using my tip and posting her story. Jackie was a funny, charming, kind young woman and we are trying to get her story

“To get women to go home with me.”

How anyone does this to someone so trusting and vulnerable is sickening. How many guys out there would have been ecstatic to leave with her? How many gentlemen are looking for this exact type of girl to treat flawlessly as long as she’ll have them?

Right? Every delivery guy I don’t know. The maintenance guy who let me know he can see me getting dressed in the morning when he’s on his way to work. Just...fuck. Fuck everything.

Unfortunately, we’re not even safe in our own homes.

I want to live in a world where this isn’t true every day. Where it’s some sort of Hunger Games dystopian society. I don’t want it to be real anymore. I’m tired of women being killed for existing, and for wanting to be more than an object men can possess. Because we ARE more than objects, we ARE people, and we

Damn it. This poor woman and her family. It’s weird how our social media presences sort of become ghosts when we die.

I believe it’s Laura Richards who says “stalking is murder in slow motion.” We have to start treating stalking, dv, and sexual violence as huge red flags for murderers :(

He had to continue his desecration, even after what he did to her body. Poor poor Jackie. I hope she didn’t suffer, although that’s probably unlikely. 

...brb, staying in my apartment forever now...

Obviously it goes without saying, but the “never knew I could feel like this” by (presumably) the killer is particularly icky.

I literally shrieked aloud when I discovered that it’s back on amazon prime. I love watching it right before bed. Knocks me out better than a sleeping pill.

I couldn’t get past the opening shot. The bedroom alone made me go “What the fuck?” A painting of himself over the bed...

You should watch it. Great show. And don’t watch the crappily edited episodes on TV.

I find these days that most of us eat on the sofa. Don’t you eat there? I eat there. :D Our table is for art and writing and holding my weekly vase of flowers.

Pheobe was moving out on the dl. But it was Monica’’s grandma’s place and was rent controlled.

I never saw a single episode of Sex and the City, so maybe this is explained there, but... where the hell is the dinner table?

Grad applications are intentionally miserable to weed out those who really don’t want it. It’s part of a string of years of academic hazing one has to endure because people are weirdly vengeful in academia about the hoop jumping. It’s not ideal, but it’s also how it is.