
Now if G had told Ashly she’d “cunt punt” her if she came at her and Winnie like that again, then maybe they’d be on par.

She seems to be mindlessly parroting what they told her in therapy or rehab.

I just wish somewhere on this email chain Ashly had said ‘I didn’t come here to make friends.’

Yeah, seriously. How are 3 girls supposed to split 2 closets without cat fights worthy of ANTM?

This is the best email conversation. Almost as good as the unhinged sorority emails from two years ago (but not really, those will always be THE ALL TIME BEST).

I’m an over analyzer which leads to over thinking at times.

I put it in the garbage after the first reading. My idea of a happy ending would have been “Cannie and everyone around her dies in a fire.”

Oh, gosh. I loved that one so SO much, I should probably never dig it out of storage! (Though the second book with it’s ridiculous drug-smuggling plotline kind of killed my love for the series.)

Yup, sorry. I think Good In Bed always bothered me at the end (it’s got some fun moments, but I would not ascribe a lot of depth to it) in large part because it’s just this wall-to-wall wish fulfillment. The only thing more that could have happened is if the baby’s father developed leprosy and begged Cami to nurse him

Weiner’s insufferable. First, she blames sexism for her beach reads not being taken seriously as literature, and now that she can’t play the sexism card, she’s blaming the fact that this other woman is more attractive.

I reread Good in Bed a few years ago and felt EXACTLY the same way. (Just add 10 years or so to your ages.)

No. White unicorns are getting pretty common. I’m referring to the obscure pink unicorn that you obviously haven’t seen yet. Or if you prefer: shut up, hoser.

And when you’re the 1% and want to complain that you aren’t the 0.05%

Waiting for Anthony Weiner to come out with Hungry Weiner.

I re-read “Good in Bed” after finding it at a library book sale and I was sadly disappointed. The 22 year-old me who loved the book and couldn’t put it down was now transformed to a 30-something who found the book tiresome and heavy on the chick lit soliloquies. I realized the fluff I loved 15 years ago should have

Glennon is the bomb and Weiner has always seemed like... well, her name. Going through a super tough break up of my engagement, and Glennon’s words have meant so much to me, even though I’m a big ol’ atheist.

It’s interesting that the thin woman she is talking about (Glennon) has struggled with an eating disorder. So maybe keep your judgey body image shit to yourself.

Also, you’re not entitled to have Oprah pick your book! That’s the thing—it’s Oprah’s name on the goddamned book club; she can pick whatever she wants. Sit down, sad white lady.

Well, I am very upset that Oprah has not selected my book for her next book club offering. I haven’t actually written it yet, but still, I am filled with fuming fury!!

Weiner’s books are like cotton candy to me - pure fluff that I’m only interested in once every few years. She should consider herself very lucky considering that she’s a rare unicorn who actually manages to make a fantastic living as a fiction author.