
Currently crashing and burning in an attempt at online dating. (Barely being talked to, nobody is asking me out.) Will take words of consolation.

i live in MD and am surrounded by republicans who think npr is liberal media, factual information is funny like that

For the eleventy billionth time, This American Life is not an NPR show. Why can’t the most popular NYC papers ever get this fact right? NPR passed it over, and gave it almost no support in the beginning. I’m sorry, but it’s giving the rest of public radio and those who work hard at it the finger when a publication

Oh, wow. I had a dog-aggressive pit bull who required a lot of management, but she was not aggressive towards people. :/ On the, uh, bright side? The article was dated 2012, and Piney was said to be seven years old. Hopefully Piney shuffled off this mortal coil without seriously hurting anyone.

In Ira Glass Voice “ In London in 1903 there was a bed bug out break so bad that the Pope was asked to be part of a first of it’s kind interfaith sort of anti bug holy super group. At the time no one thought it would work, secular sentiment had been growing strong in Britain for years, anyway, a strange thing

BRB listening to the This American Life about fear of sleeping. wherein the people have a bedbug infestation, ie. The Ira Glass Family Hour.

so this is what ira looks like, cool.

I think the dog issue is an indicator of Glass and Alani’s general attitude toward other people.

Ugh New York Post. This American Life isn't produced by NPR. It happens to be carried by local public radio stations. It has nothing to do with NPR. And since The New York Post got that detail wrong, I reject all of their reporting. Good day sir.

People like this terrify me. Their dog has attacked children.

I think of NPR people as I do academics. I was shocked to learn that many professors are filthy hippies despite making bank (or what I consider “bank”). They drive beaters and their offices are stupid cluttered and anything could be living under all those journals they hoard. Some of them even SMELL *nods at the

He has always seemed like the anally retentive super clean type to me.

Condo boards and parent-teacher associations are where NIMBY helicopter parents and other sanctimonious meddlers go to indulge their autocratic fantasies.

Hmm. Glass being a filthy person would be kind of fun, but my money’s on the condo board being bananas.

ooooh this is weird. You always think the people on npr totally have their shit together. This makes me feel much better about my life. I may not have the career/home/education I dreamed about but I don’t have bed bugs so I suppose I can chalk that up as a win.

Is it still called “side boob” when your entire boob is hanging out the side?

500 days if Gawker precedent is correct.

*whispers* it’s because the Illuminati own a stake in Jezebel... but you didn’t hear it from me...

This isn’t exactly a novel observation, but fitness and the appearance of engaging in exercise have become the new suntan, a sign of being wealthy enough to have the time and means to work out and eat healthfully.

It’s funny when I see women in athletic wear without a sweat walking to Jamba Juice while smoking cigarettes.