
Any time I see black laquered anything and gold, I wonder if there was ever a time when it didn’t look tacky and gaudy.

I think most granite looks dated already and am grateful that I spent a lot less money on my old school laminate 10 years ago. It still probably will need replacing but I won’t be crying over how much it cost originally. (I’ll probably do some sort of solid surface when I replace it.)

I am from Brazil and we are one of the top producers of granite. We call the ghastly green granite (granites, really, as there are several of them) “cemetery granite” here. It is what headstones are made out of. So when I watch HGTV and see someone raving about their stupid Ubatuba/Butterfly/Peacock green granite, I

One of my favorite passive-aggressive pleasures is watching HGTV shows and reveling in how out dated half of the updates are going to look in about 2 years. There was one where a couple spent on ungodly amount of money on the most ghastly green granite you have ever seen- and had it all over the kitchen.

Haha! I read “biggest pumpkin ON shiniest car." Visualizing a Caddy speeding through Beverly Hills with a big-ass pumpkin on the hood, green vines and leaves blowing in the wake. The license plate says "NOPIE4U."

Shampoo back then contained lye, which does hideous things to hair. Had to use such a concoction once — couldn’t get a comb through my hair for two days.

Note: I don’t care if it’s biodegradable, for the love of god, do NOT wash your hair with Dr. Bonner’s soap when you’re camping.

It’s the next wave new craze

Everybody’s talkin’ ‘bout the new sound
Funny but it’s still rock and roll to me

Where have you been hiding out lately, honey?/You can’t dress trashy till you spend a lot of money...

Pageants have always been a little too JonBenét Ramsey-ish to me. And 14?? Gross and grosser

I had an assignment that was drop-filing. All you did all day was literally drop papers in the correct file. You didn’t even have to sort them. It was really boring, and it was 1994, before listening to headphones at work was acceptable, so I tried to talk to coworkers just to avoid going out of my mind with boredom —

Men are like blowtorches, women are like ovens. (You can google that.)

Honestly, I think it is a lesson many, many women learn the hard way. I don’t think you’ve really been alive until you’ve had your heart broken at least once (if not a few times). Look at all the songs about heartbreak, it is so common, longing for someone who is gone from you life.

Thanks so much, I needed to read this. Sorry you had to go through the shitty-ness of all that too. My lesson has definitely been learned.

“Now one night stands are something I am not used to or comfortable with at all, so right before we were about to do it I warned him that if it was going to be awkward or if he was going to treat me differently after having sex with him, then I would not sleep with him and that we should just be friends. He STRONGLY

Do you still know her? Would it be worth telling her, or do you just not want to get involved? I’m sorry :(

Walk away. There won’t be closure. There’s nothing to talk out.

These are a while back (like the 80s and 90s), but the crap still applies:

I hate my birthday. Not because of the aging thing, just because I'm not a fan of being the cause of a celebration. It feels like too much pressure to me so I usually skip town every year on my birthday and then I don't have to see anyone except my SO and we get to escape the city for a few days so it's a win win.

OK, I fucking hate birthdays, mine’s upcoming and a “milestone” one. But it’s the worst day of the year for me. Is this terribly unusual, any kindred spirits out there?