
Coincidentally, I’ve just finished reading “The Girl Before” about a home intentionally designed as above with a minimalist aesthetic, whose rules prohibit curtains, artwork or even shampoo left on the bathroom counter.

I’m down with that. HGTV is my distraction when I do cardio at the gym and I remember the first time I turned it on and saw those fools and after two minutes, changed the channel. And even worse, found out their shows ran back to back on one of my cardio nights at the gym.

Agree on fake. And also the whole dynamic in which he is a bumbling country bumpkin doofus who can’t choose a pair of pants without the help of his long-suffering wife who has an annoyingly smug air of superiority.

So annoying. A life without wine, carbs....and Pilates is not worth living. I’d flaunt my carbs and wine too. Those who approach it because of the fad and the ability to lose a lot of weight quickly probably will not stick with it. 

Truth. A former friend who was previously ate a lot of junk and was overweight went keto. And. Would. Not. Shut up. About. It. She was only doing it to look good, as she didn’t exercise and bragged about how much alcohol she drank, but that didn’t stop her from losing weight and sending me 354392432 texts each day

My childhood home was in the shadow of Chicago-O’Hare, with planes making their descent over our neighborhood. As a child I dreamed often of planes crashing in our front yard and was terrified to fly, didn’t fly until I was well into adult years and it always scared the shit out of me. By the time I became OK with

Word. I got my mom and aunt hooked on ID shows because when I came over, they would always have Fox News on TV, and it got to the point I wouldn’t enter if Fox was on TV (I have a very sensitive gag reflex) so as a compromise I suggested we pick a network we could all enjoy that didn’t deliver a slanted political

Your comment needs way more stars for the “Hollister of exercise.”

Agreed. I started following her on Insta after reading about her stories here. I loved her since her Kim Kelly days. RIP Freaks and Geeks.

Huh. That’s interesting. I didn’t realize that the gym was now also a fashion show? Perhaps Ms. Jones should spend more time focusing on her workout and less time feeling like she’s on the gym edition of Fashion Police.

That’s what I was thinking. I have tons of the first example, which I wear for yoga and gym workouts, as well as lounging around and casual errands, and a few of the second example, that I wear with a long sweater and boots in winter when I am too tired to think of what to wear in the morning or it has snowed at least

But will they be in sensible low-cal, lady-sized packaging? Pink maybe?

Is there an “IDGAF about Kardashians” filter? Because I’d use that hella lot.

On the flip side, a friend told me when his cousin’s wife recently had a baby, they posted to social media that they, the parents, wanted to control the child’s “digital footprint” and asked friends and family not to share photos of the child to social media.

I don’t watch the show (not a fan) but I am a fan of my crock pot. When I cook with it, I turn/off unplug it, let food cool, portion into containers and clean the ceramic bowl and lid.

Great idea! When I don’t go back to check, I worry all day that by leaving the toaster plugged in, I am putting my pets in a huge safety risk, because who will save them if my carelessness causes the toaster to self-combust?

We are soul sisters. My workday is too long for crockpot cooking (plus fear of combustion!) and I have to double check toaster, curling iron and stove before I leave. I have legit freaked out and turned around two miles from home because I thought I left the curling iron on. Mine has a default shut off switch but

Totally legit. That’s how my brain thinks. I am usually home when running the crock pot, but I have become comfortable enough to run short errands while it’s on as long as I’m back home within an hour. I’d never leave it running all day while at work though, that’s just an accident waiting to happen in my world.

Same here. I do laundry at my mom’s and I’m not allowed to run the dryer and leave if no one else is home, even if she’s just taking the dog for a quick walk. But that’s mainly because my aunt and uncle’s house caught on fire in the middle of the night after my cousin had done laundry because the exhaust tube was

Can I be your co-conspiritor? I make a mean vegan chili