
Petrine should acknowledge that Johnny’s semi-functional alcoholism is real, and will eventually lead him to his true calling in life: coaching.

Congratulations, you have earned 100 dillars from Deadspon.

Never actually seen her act in anything. I’m not getting the people who say she doesn’t have talent, gotta say that was pretty impressive.

This game had to be played and this is why. Englishmen and Frenchmen and many other nationalities joining together in defiance of evil doers.

Next question.

“I felt violated, and my body said wait a minute, this ain’t right. So I was uneasy.”

Maybe you are confused. This is a list of teams you can root for in the playoffs.

Glad to see Lennay Kekua has found a new beau.

“Ceci n’est pas un combat”

Future Deadspin writer

Each time the phrase “Survey says!” was uttered, the Gronks kept mishearing it as “Cervezas!” and Yo Soy Fiesta took over.

In Murrlin that would be “Wooeeuuhhhrldstar”

Glad to see the guy finally caught a break.

At least it wasn’t

I haven’t been this scared shitless of the sun since the last time I played Super Mario Brothers 3.

The future is here everyone! We can all be Tony Stark now!

LOL. You’ve got some convincing ladies on your hands.