“and if she was so upset that he won, why did she work for him? I don’t understand that part.”
“and if she was so upset that he won, why did she work for him? I don’t understand that part.”
that’s a jerk-off station
I’m not sure what’s worse, being Takes-Ball-Away-From-Kids Guy or being Chooses-Drinks-Based-On-ABV guy.
Unfortunately true. Parents somehow living vicariously and stupidly through their kids should be a crime.
Safety aside, from an enjoyment perspective, I don’t know why you would bring a 2-year-old child to a baseball game, it can’t possibly be fun for anyone involved. And if you can afford the lower deck, you can afford a sitter.
But when it reached the part of the speech where Reagan addressed “the enemies of freedom,” the following images were shown: A protester in a beanie with an anti-fascist slogan
I also can’t stand listening to people talk about hockey with southern accents.
Think it was a Gawker joke.
“So bye bye Let’s Remember Some Guys”
MacLean later clarified: “I can’t remember if I cried, when I read about his widowed bride, nothing touched me deep inside, the day Robert Traylor died.”
Shit, Frankie Goes To Hollywood had this covered 35 years ago:
It’s Wisconsin. That something in the water is beer-cheese soup.
That’s the thing though. Two of those three moments you mentioned were babyfaces getting booed by smarks. This was really old school nuclear heat on a HEEL for once.
Elias reached that moment that a lot of wrestlers yearn to get in their promos - the coveted nuclear heat.
You tried to explain this to a 27 year old with an analogy about being old and approaching death? Yeah, he’s not gonna identify with that.
Tell men that a single room at a single event is off limits to them for a couple of hours and it’s a war crime to be tried at the Hague. Implement and nourish a work culture openly hostile for over a decade and “ThaT’S JuSt VieDEo GamES BRo”
Should have been ejected earlier for being a grown man who brings a glove to a ballgame.