
Why did the Brewers send their bat boy out to argue?

If this doesn’t look like the beginning of an excessive force video, I don’t know what does.

You could ask this about 90% of any scene from any movie or television show ever created. It’s a silly question to ask.

This is very Slate-y.

You’re just adding more holes for him to try to put his penis in.

Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

No need for the latter. Cajones for public servants is [mostly] complimentary in Baltimore:

The Kiss Cam is gonna be awkward.

The weekend series against the Rays will be played at the Trop...

Well if the Orioles can just hurry up and win the World Series by tonight, maybe the riots will be confused for the “excusable” kind.

How did you miss Lorenzo Cain as ‘The Great Cornholio’?

When they show you Dzhokhar flipping the bird in court

Theon Greyjoy Night did not turn out to be the synergistic success the Royal’s marketing department had been predicting.

Fuck St. Louis.

Wookies stay rookie.

As a Yankee fan, all I can say is what a gigantic loser and a disgrace to the game of baseball this guy is. I’m really sick of this clown and everything he does. Seriously, get Stephen Drew off the fucking field.

Then what compelled you to click the link, find a video, and comment

What a shock: Nick Young taking some unnecessary shots.

Dear Internet Commenter,

He's a witch! Burn him!