Gotze really spread this one wide open.
Gotze really spread this one wide open.
Pretty much, yes. The Wii U has a "Wii Mode" that perfectly emulates playing Wii disc and downloaded games. You can transfer anything from another Wii Console over too it, except for Smash Bros. Brawl save files.
Poor bastard blew through five dollars in quarters just to get that stupid milk can.
Nobody has ever said "Let's put on a MLS Game!" in a bar.
Pat actually apologized to me during commercial break. He may be outspoken about homosexuality but when confronted with it head on he was very nice. I think next time I'm on TV YourTatoosAreLame can be my stylist. Seems he has more fashion sense than this homosexual. #yourtattoosarefaaaaaaabulouuuuusss
I have those same sentiments every time I look at Messi, or those 20-somethings who are selling their apps for 7 figure checks.
I give it two, maybe three, years, and kids across the country will be rocking these.
f zero.
fortune street :3
If you dont get the queso on the Qdoba burrito you are doing it so so wrong.
Barry, if you're going to indirectly feed into the conspiracy machine by quoting Duncan, Ginobili and Parker on their comfort with high temperatures, you should also include these quotes so you're not mistaken for a cherry-picker.
Chad Quatre-vingt Cinq doesn't quite have the same ring to it
Pete's great. People who hate him are usually pretty miserable people.
I know you said it's not real urine, but I still love the idea of him giving her a jar of his piss.
I'm sorry, what did you say?
Great work from Russia to bring this full circle by not bringing it full circle.
If only there were some sort of tangentially related image from a television show that applied here!