
I'm not sure what i am more excited about....the Ortiz Grand Slam or the fact that someone FINALLY took a video in LANSCAPE mode. Go SOX!

Pictured: Houston getting exactly what they deserve.

Afraid you're mistaken, Hawk's the exception to the rule. The best home announcers are biased but not to the point that it's overwhelming and petty. What bugs me about "we" and "us" is that when an announcer devotes allegiance to a particular team, we lose correct perspective on the game. It's like putting on beer

As a Giants fan myself, I can say that I too, would rather go to a Bengals - Jets game than a Giants game at this point.

I like the way #10 displays proper "heads up" form tackling:

It is true that the Cardinals are six wins away from the World Series.

This seems like a lot of work to prepare for the Raiders and their fans. It's like scrubbing your toilet bowl with your toothbrush because you know you're having Popeyes later.

Don't fall for it. Al Davis jumps out at you at the 30 second mark.


Hey it's been a while...we don't know what to do with our hands.

The combination of Gatorade and Prego makes perfect sense.

So that one day, their children will find it buried in the closet and say "I thought Ed Reed played for the Ravens, Daddy", and then he can reply proudly, with a tear in his eye, "Not always, son, he played one season for the noble Texans franchise on the downslope of his career where he clearly didn't care anymore

Imagine how less violent a night they would have had just playing Grand Theft Auto V.

Living in SEC country, I have been around some of the absolute worst, most vile, most disgusting, most horrible fans on the planet (opposing fans and well as those who root for the same team I do). I have been called everything in the book, had my family insulted, and had things thrown at me. And yet, I have never had

Not as popular as the Orioles' last minute Manny Machado Bobbleleg Night.

They should give them to the last 18,000 people in the stadium at the end of the game.

Ref: Denver has won the toss. What would you like to do?

Now playing

Yayyyy!!! Clowney Brown Clown time has arrived in Cleveland!