
HD Switch remake of Red/Blue // Fire Red/Leaf Green, too please.

Cash in on those 30+ year olds who will embrace those Gen 1 pokemon all over again.

1.) Buy a shop vac

2.) Clean your basement.

3.) Buy bug spray

4.) Rare, but yes. That shit is scary.

How many Redskins fans actually enjoy going to FedEx field, though?

“Sorry dude, just trying to show off my powers, broooo!”

“I just feel like you might not be ready for some football.”

Number of Mascots who are also the team logo: 1

Fuck, how’d I forget Josh Charles?!

Also, the Flash grew up in Norfolk and didn’t jump onto the Nats bandwagon in 2005. he’s a good superhero.

I’ll take semi-celebrity Orioles fans when I can get them. Aside from Edward Norton, Michael Phelps, and the kid who plays the Flash on TV, there aren’t many out there.

Pathfinder is up there, though. At least that’s what “faking home sick 10 year old me” remembers.

Someone has 15 years of social media editing experience?

I want to believe you, and would have believed you before November 2016.

Find me the sports reporter who will drop “Yeah Jeets” in an interview with Derek Jeter and I will support that reporter and/or broadcast station for the rest of my days.

Manny Machado lost it on Yordano Ventura last year and now Ventura is dead.

Obviously Chris Sale is courting death.

+1. I am not not entertained.

This was three months into his rookie season. Baltimore needs to pay Manny all of the money forever. I want a latino Brooks Robinson at 3rd base in Baltimore until 2035.

I read a title in this article too fast and got excited for Roxane’s “Gay World of Wakanda”

I’m okay with it, as long as “quick thinking and clever bullshit” don’t become part of the Cardinal Wa—*HURRRRUGHHH* I couldn’t finish that last part without vomiting.

They all look alike, no worries.