
Grown men acting irrationally, and teaching their kids to do the same. They effectively just threw $300 in a fire.

Are we sure this isn't some really bad Lena Dunham produced viral marketing for the new season of Girls?

Because I still can't tell what parts of that show are supposed to be funny and which parts to cringe at.

"Is that the thing that we left early a few years back?"

Now playing

And now, to get that bad taste out of your mouth:

Now playing

Huey Lewis did a killer fuckin' job. Gaither Vocal will crush it forever, though.

Well...two of them were holding hands, and the other guy was laying on the ground.


Thank goodness, I was worried that ESPN was going to have to cover the World Series tonight.



Yeah, people falling out of bed is pretty easy on the budget.

I've gotta say I'm a fan of the 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead. Better special effects and make-up work, and nearly the same story being told except for the ending.

Anyone named Kyler deserves teargas.

I think I'm in love.

This cuts me deep, Paul.

"Nothing is over my head that you say..."

Talk shit, get hit.

Between Hosmer buying drinks, and Finnegan buying tickets and BBQ, I'm really hoping if I ask Buck Showalter for a PS4 he sets me up.

Oh good. It's a head and not a kamehameha of dicks.

You cut out the money shot.