Tom Gugliotta's Delicious Frittatas

@Forte_Oz._To_Freedom: The Chicago media is the same media that gave prominent voice to Jay Mariotti. It's not as screamingly insane as the New York media, but I believe its stupidity is unmatched.


@Loose Cannon: Like I said, he's a pouty prick who makes bad throws. Criticizing him for that is entirely fair. He should've been going over plays with the coordinators.

I think questioning Cutler's toughness is absolute horseshit. Cutler is a smug prick who makes bad throws and pouts like a child, but he's no pussy. In fact, after watching him play all season, I really gained respect for him as one of the tougher QBs in the league. He's willing to tuck the ball and run, he took a ton

When asked if he considered letting the attendant put up the bumpers, Daugherty defiantly responded, "NO! I'm a big a boy," before stomping his feet until everyone agreed he was a big boy.

It's true. Since becoming a starred commenter here, I've taken part in over half a dozen genocides and joined a satanic cult that gang rapes endangered species out of existence. Last week, I saw a couple holding hands while out walking their dog, so I burned down their house.

If anyone else is a snob and reads the nytimes website, this morning they have a giant roll down banner ad of just the 2 second collision that the NFL scrubbed from the Toyota commercial. I'm curious as to whether or not it's a fuck you (a very new york times-y fuck you) to Goodell. Seems plausible.

"Don't Brett Favre Us."

The NFL refuses to allow their advertisers to in any way associate their game with something that may cause brain damage and would also like to remind you to drink Coors. Coors: The Official Beer of the NFL.

@Fendi Hotdogbun: No but the repetitive low-level collisions at the line of scrimmage have been studied and there is a correlation with frequent sub-concussive trauma and brain damage.

The Unstoppable Blinger.

They say things like that about whites and then they want our respect!

@NoirJuggling: At least he wrote his alimony checks.

I'm saving my money for the Terrelle Pryor tent sale next week. I'm tired of people saying I was never the Sugar Bowl MVP.

Rick Pitino's coach's closet features several well-made Italian suits, all with curious dribble stains down the inner thigh.

Ryan, I think it's all in your head. In your heeeeeaaaaaad.

@AzureTexan: Now that's what I call a sticky situation!