[Movie Voiceover]
[Movie Voiceover]
Ian Darke: Well, there was a bit of contact but I don't think it warranted such a response from the rim... Ah yes, there it is. A yellow for deceptive behavior.
No no no. That's a Reggie Bush signed photo-summary of "The Grapes of Wrath." It's a study aide meant for the NCAA's beloved student-athletes.
You need to think outside the box. Andouille is a welcome addition or substitution for any soup or stew, provides a nice change of pace for an eggs benedict, is a tent pole for a quality omelette, and, if you want to truly embrace that sad American heathen that lurks within us saying "I want to die of sodium poisoning…
Chorizo is fool's sausage. Admit andouille's superiority in all facets or we will throw hands, Burneko.
Saying HGH is a substance of uncertain benefits ignores a pretty decent pile of evidence. For example, before HGH, Barry Bonds was a tubercular little person, Paul Byrd was a common pet cocaktiel named Crispin, and Andy Pettitte was a recalled package of Bridgestone Firestone tires.
I don't see why this is harmless while challenging Paulina Gretzky to put me in a leg lock got me thrown out of the clubhouse.
*Sigh* Somebody call The Undertaker.
Can't wait to see some smiling young faces walk up to receive that handshake from Stern and their ceremonial first technical from Joey Crawford.
For the last time, Dom: No, you don't look that much like Carlos Boozer when you shave your head and get a shitty sunburn. I don't want to look at anymore of your vacation photos.
His whole persona was just a cheap Aleutian.
Hernandez has had a rash of nightclub trouble.
It's only a small step, but country clubs need gentle encouragement every time they take a step away from an all white policy.
Stopped Heart Clears Depth Chart
So sad to hear about all the memorabilia Schweppes'd away. I much prefer Canada Dry.
/Rick Reilly rolls up on me in a drive-by for stealing his schtick
Take me out to the ballgame
Florida Man stiffs waiter over TV programming, caught fucking plus-size mannequin in parking lot.