Tom Gugliotta's Delicious Frittatas

Blake Griffin, Bad Ass Extraordinaire.

@AzureTexan: Chris Berman would write a post on his Rumblr Stumblr Bumblr, but he decided to google his own name and masturbate instead.

I think it bears mentioning that this team only had 4 players from last year's team play last night. Yeah this Cavs team blows ass, but they were missing far more than just LeBron. Varejao, Parker, Shaq, West, and Z aren't great but they're a far cry from Samardo Samuels, Alonzo Gee, and Christian Eyenga.

Here Are Two Photos Of NCAA President Mark Emmert Going Down

@PerkisPower: The call was a personal foul on number 45 (Terrell Turner) and what do you want him to say beyond "the call stands"? I hate Auburn and think we need a modern equivalent of Sherman's March as much as the next man, but I thought the refs were fine in this game.

@Gottliebs Cards: Musburger is more of the crabs of sports announcing. Matt Millen is AIDS.

@WipeMyPujols: You seem a bit more adapted to the state of the medium. I however, plan to continue to throw a crotchety shitfit any time a corporate sponsor tries to shove their product down my throat. Fuck you Frito-Lay, you no longer have a place in my cabinet.

@WipeMyPujols: Boohicky. Calling a line-out a basehit is a dumb mistake. Musburger's line was easily the shittiest and most contrived suspense-builder/product promotion in the history of everything.

I would just like to point out that Brent Musburger's declaration that the final kick would be "for all the tostitos" was absolutely the lowest moment in the history of sports broadcasting. Here's to hoping Tommy Craggs pisses all over that miserable geriatric in the morning.

@Percy Harvin's Advil: I think Herbstreit's the only decent guy they have and Desmond's just there because of the mandate that all football shows must have a mouthy wide receiver.

ESPN would like you to know that the presence of current and former SEC coaches as analysts at the national championship game and their contract to televise SEC football in no way biases their coverage of a sport where subjective opinion entirely determines who is given the opportunity to win a championship.

This is apropos of nothing, but I'm in a linguistics lecture and Hatey McLife's avatar just came up as an example of semanticity. No one knows why I'm trying to stifle my laughter.

@Tulos_Mullet: I was going to post a video of Mintberry Crunch from South Park, but then I remembered that nothing about that was funny.

"I can tell you without hesitation it's not getting any special treatment."

@Brotherford B. Hayes: Undeniably true. Is that enough to justify the media trope of SEC domination? Do a handful of high-profile lopsided victories erase the fact that the rest of the record is pretty much even? I'd say that's being selective.

@Gottliebs Cards: The Big 10 is 2-3 in BCS bowl games against the SEC.