Tom Gugliotta's Delicious Frittatas

@vodkanaut: Currently slogging my ass through Infinite Jest, as well. It takes a half hour to read five pages and I have to look up at least 3 words a page, but it's a really special book. You can really tell how much Wallace put himself into Hal, it's almost like reading his suicide note.

@ReggieDunlop: Currently reading the George Carlin memoir. It's really good and if there's a group of people I feel like it could resonate with, it's late night deadspinners.

@titansfan78: "Excuse me, I was wondering if you could help me out. You see I'm a ventriloquist and I've lost my puppet. I was wondering if you would let me stick my hand up your ass and tell knock-knock jokes instead."

Pictured: 1950s Referee Jeb Bosworth reacts to Willie O'Ree as he takes the ice for the first time as a Boston Bruin.

@AzureTexan: Frats- Helping young man explore homoerotic urges while calling each other "fag" since 1856.

@AzureTexan: You're lucky. I had trouble locating Orion's Belt and got stuck hanging out with just the Geminis.

@Always Winning: 1/4 oz., plus scales. He's got intent to distribute.

@fairyvexed: I really don't think it's sexist to say that it's possible the boys are innocent or guilty and we should wait until we have more evidence until we condemn them. I think you just read the "I'm not but" part and immediately jumped to conclusions. And instead of acknowledging that, you're just going to come

@fairyvexed: That is an absolutely ridiculous statement. If you preface a sentence with "I'm not... but," you are saying you don't agree with the general point but recognize that there are certain concessions that need to be made to that point. In this case, I was responding to a point not made in the article that I

@SarsDoesn'tSave: My mistake. That comment wasn't up when I read the story and typed up my comment.

I'm not trying to troll here, but shouldn't we at least acknowledge the possibility that they're innocent? Isn't it conceivable that these girls got a little too drunk, made some bad choices, came home with regrets the next morning and a protective father called the police? Just like it's possible that while the video

@UweBollocks: I always liked it when the ninjas from Legends would have to jump out and grab a little girl. You can see the shame and inner conflict through the costume.

@Tulos_Mullet: There's not a bad choice, but I have to go with Hatey. He's just impressive. Or is it she...

@Steve U: Which Cheney undoubtedly was.

Why would he be talking about methods to prevent pregnancy?

I knew a 56 game hittin'-it streak had to be tainted.

Sporting events are only cancelled for two reasons in China: smog and to celebrate Mao's birthday.

@The_International_Poise_Conspi...: It's not an improper benefit if he claims he didn't know it was an improper benefit. It's in the bylaws.