Tom Gugliotta's Delicious Frittatas

But alcohol doesn't actually make you better at basketball.

Just think of what could happen if we contracted all the teams with shitty fans who need an advertising campaign on how to "fan up."

We were not as explicit with our student-athlete education as we should have been in the 2007-08 and 2008-09 academic years regarding the sale of apparel, awards and gifts issued by the athletics department

That's the most racist joke in the world? A former roommate, who is a dipshit, was told by his fraternity to tell them a joke. He's a pledge, so he has to do it. Naturally he starts telling the one from Boondock Saints. No one laughed and everyone was horrendously uncomfortable, and this was in the bastion of wealthy

@alula: The rules are quite clear. You can rape all you want, just don't look like a scary black man when you do it.

@ptarmigan: Damn you and UConn basketball for challenging my masculinity!!!! Oh wait, no, I'm fine with women and UConn basketball. Just like pretty much all the people on Deadspin. If you want to read people bashing UConn, go to the ESPN comment boards. Leave us out of this.

Ron makes no mention of his assists, which only furthers the negative stereotype that Jews aren't into dropping dimes.

@starksgotejected: Yeah, but you could still ask "what would happen if the 70's Bruins went up against last year's Duke?" and have it be a point of discussion. UConn is the greatest women's basketball team of all-time hands down, but asking what would happen if they played those Bruins would be like asking what if the

If only Dodge had kicked the ball out of bounds. Then the Giants could've lost in overtime.

@Telemundo: Cowherd. Bayless is an annoying contrarian, but nothing special. Cowherd is a special kind of asshole. I hear he started out in radio because they wouldn't let him wear his Nazi armband on TV.

"There isn't a single empirically defensible sentiment in there."

@Walk Off HBP: My fleshbot account is Tom Gugliotta's Wife's Luscious Tatas. It's a bit forced, but it's easy to remember.

@Phintastic: I actually was a starred commenter at Jezebel for about a week. I lost it when one of my comments got moved to either the hashtag ICK! or groupthink. Don't remember which. There are some pretty interesting people there and then there are sexist retards throwing around buzzwords. At least the sexist

@Phintastic: One of my favorite parts of this site is that the hate flows out, not in.

@cconsabbatical: Everyone would team up on him immediately. I think the same thing would happen with Buchanan because that guy was a dickhead.