Tom Gugliotta's Delicious Frittatas

Luther Vandross Is Not As Alive As He Wants To Be

DeSean Jackson's Terrible Immodesty would have been a great handle. Alas.

@vodkanaut: What's your scotch of choice? My dad picked up a bottle of Aberlour for Thanksgiving and I was a big fan.

@Kemperboyd: Giants/Bears a few weeks back. Easily the worst game I've ever seen.

@Always Winning: We bet winner's choice 6 packs in my house. I don't think I could stomach any sort of real money riding the Lions.

@Always Winning: Spread's 6.5, so I just need this game to stay ugly and hope for Megatron to bail him out on a big play. I thought the Lions looked pretty decent against the Bears last week.

@Always Winning: Greg Jennings basically handed the Lions the ball on that pick.

@DumpsterDining: Better than the corner of the endzone, 70 rows up. Great excuse for another Saturday of drinking, though.


I would, but I already traded my dignity for some Alf pogs.


@colormeroutine: I think it's hyperbole for the sake of humor and that she didn't actually start throwing things because she didn't like the show.

The Cooper Manning cookie also looked very promising, however something went wrong during baking and its body crumbled.

Oh, Earthquake is pure shit. It tastes like someone took Steel Reserve and mixed it with equal parts white wine Franzia and piss. And I second the part about it being slimy.

@Gottliebs Cards: Couldn't agree more. I tried dunkaroos again the other week. They were still good, but for some reason I was expecting sexual gratification from eating them.

@Gottliebs Cards: Lola bunny from Space Jam is unnecessarily attractive. I'm not sure if that's exactly related, but I watched that movie the other week and I still can't find a reason to give a cartoon rabbit firm, heaving breasts.

"Everyone's a little bit racist."