Tom Gugliotta's Delicious Frittatas

@Ron_Artesticular_Fortitude: Unfortunately, the press conference has been delayed. Curt is unable to speak because of a tongue badly burnt by the scorching magma that is the inside of a Totino's cheese pizza roll.

@Bullet_Tooth_Tony: The funny thing is, I agree with you on a lot of your points. I don't think the Cribbs hit was dirty (clearly lead with the shoulder), and the Heap hit was by far the worst.

@Bullet_Tooth_Tony: Cheap shots aren't part of the game, that's why their called cheap shots. What's the appeal of seeing DeSean Jackson lie on the ground unconscious next to Dunta Robinson? That's not football. I don't care if a guy gets a concussion from a clean hit, that's why they get the millions. If I want to

As someone who watches and gambles on football every Sunday, I can honestly say I'm not a fan of seeing assholes like James Harrison leap forehead first into a receiver's chin. The reason people are pissed now is because players aren't getting concussions as a part of the natural play, they're actively trying to turn

@AzureTexan: @WhatWouldTebowDo?: Stop being so picky.

I trust possibly brain damaged, coddled young men who probably weren't all that bright to begin with to make intelligent long term decisions. That's why I'm the campaign manager for Spencer Pratt's 2012 California senate bid.

@Phintastic: I didn't spend four years burning children in 'Nam to hear some hippy nitpick about our ignorance of the origin of Asian martial arts. Love it or get the fuck out.

@Achiever: I was going to give the same spiel on giving yourself a nickname, then I realized she would be seeing it as posted by someone who identifies himself as "Tom Gugliotta's Delicious Frittatas."

I'm sure AJ will be happy to buy you some extra drinks at the sports bar if you're willing to look at his Athlete Dong Slideshow. It's actually fairly tasteful, but 3 hours is really just too long.

I like that Kevin Kolb told the Skins DT (might have been Haynesworth) to suck his dick after he spiked the ball. Just totally unnecessary.

I won two Emmy Awards, but that doesn’t make me perfect.

The book is tentatively titled "The Little Fuck Pig That Could."

And they always give you a look when you try and get past them, like you're the fucker for being in the way. YOU'RE THE FUCKER IN THE WAY GOD DAMMIT.

I've actually found it quite inspiring how all the races have pretty much banded together in a mutual hatred of LeBron James.

@Greek McPapadopoulos: He really was too good for this world, I wish I had appreciated his work more when he was alive.

@InSinSeer: Just explain that he was Kurt Cobain for people who can read.

@SponsoredbyV8: I just picked up Infinite Jest because I felt like being a collegiate stereotype. I can't put it down, he has a way of being brilliant and moral without being preachy that's really impressive.
