Tom Gugliotta's Delicious Frittatas

Little Person Strips, Tries To Fight Tennessee

@AzureTexan: I saw Oinky the Run With Scissors Pig from the Island of Misfit Mascots in the obituaries today. He tripped while running and fell off a cliff.

@DumpsterDining: Hey we beat UMass by 5 yesterday! Also, did you feel like the media (ESPN) kinda swept it under the rug and ignored how shitty we played? I didn't see a single highlight from that game.

@JonathanSafranFoyer: I have been invited to two "Get Denarded" events on facebook in the past week. Facebook makes me hate my school.

@tastes_like_burning: Yes, it can also be a place to organize casual affairs and stalk people in a way that won't result in a restraining order.

@President Camacho: Yes, but New York is still the epicenter. Case in point, Eddy Curry.

I believe Syphillis has already reserved the rights to the term "The Silent Scare." That's really something we'd like to keep away from 60,000 giant vaginas.

@FavreFAIL: Yes but only because seeing Inez Sainz upside down really did it for me. I have unusual fetishes.

@Jim Leyland's Left Lung: And there aren't nearly enough redundant buzzwords. Because using academic language means you have point.

I don't think Inez Sainz is going to press for the rights of women journalists. I just don't think she cares, I think she likes the paycheck and the elevated status and not much else.

Meh, two-girls-one-cup was hotter.

@Cimorene: I would read and respond to these but it's clear you have all made up your minds that men are awful. Please refer to points one and two, there's a reason those are points one and two. Have a pleasant night, I have sexual harassing to do because the only thing I gained from this post is that I think women

@Elizabth_Bennet: Well I had a long response where I tried to address everyone, but I lost it after doing a google search. I'll try to sum it up as concisely as possible.

@SarsDoesn'tSave: Don't set aside the issue of whether she was dressed unprofessionally, because it's a key element in it. There were other women there dressed like they wanted to be taken seriously and they were. I would not harass her, I would do what you suggested and ignore her because I'm not that big of an

CBS considers Shannon Sharpe an integral part of "Pre-Game Grabass," America's most popular group of possibly brain damaged former athletes.

I am absolutely shocked that a woman dressed like a club bimbo in an environment with professional expectations would be treated like a club bimbo. Shocked.

@PontiusPirate: I was listening to The National as this came on. I don't know what inspired this, but well done. Also, everybody look at how interesting we are because we listen to interesting music.