@Phintastic: No, just further evidence that the proprietors of Manofest should be taken to the streets and shot.
@Phintastic: No, just further evidence that the proprietors of Manofest should be taken to the streets and shot.
Yes, your dildo is mighty, but you are no match for DOCTOR COCKTOPUS!
@Arctic16: Looks like he stole this one from Phintastic.
@BrutallyHonestBabes (aka Mrs. Sarah.of.a.Lesser.Hobbit): In my defense, it's a more of a comment on Julia Roberts being a bitch and Javier Bardem's incredible fertility, not women in general.
Wow, ten year celibate Javier Bardem. No chance his sex scene didn't end with Julia Roberts' character getting pregnant, even if she is a menopausal bitch.
@Guvmint_Cheese: Oh man, bulgogi with a fried egg and rice is the shit. Also, I'm not sure what it's called, but at the Korean market near my house, they have these spectacular spicy honey chicken wings. Korean food is tremendously underrated.
Sweet story Pat-bro! Can't have any laxation without the dangle sensation!
1. Chinese
@Theodore Donald Kerabatsos: They're both spectacular shitty diseases. ALS has a 90% mortality rate within 6 years, with at least half of those years often spent as a prisoner in a body that might not even be able to breathe on it's own.
Is it possible to give a post a +1? Top drawer writing Mr. Craggs. Top drawer, indeed.
@Tulos_Mullet: Interesting, I'm the opposite. The nightmare starts when Tila shows up, but suddenly she's topless, in pain, and I can't see her face and then I wake up sticky.
Give me an update when Bo and Stormi OD together in the strip club bathroom after yet another of Stormi's consistently underwhelming performances. Until then, I don't care.
In my day, you didn't need to put on a bunch of clown makeup and listen to shitty music if you wanted do some meth and hurl rocks at Vietnamese prostitutes. You just signed up for Nam.
"For Poynter to criticize a blog's story about an athlete and not disclose that its 'distinguished fellow in journalism values' has close familial ties to that athlete is a very serious oversight," said an editor at some newspaper.
@FavreFAIL: Krueger's just disappointed that another seemingly easy target blew up in his face.
Excellent, I have some other things I'd like to show you as well. I have a utensil in my kitchen that I'm fairly sure is a spatula, but could very well also be Matt Kemp's penis. I'm available at 3:42 this Saturday and 12:19 next Tuesday. Let me know which is more convenient for you.
@I Like Cheap Beer: +1 left-wing campus of your choosing.
I'll catch it if you do.
It's not terrible singing but there is something really uncomfortable about listening to it. Almost like Drew made this as a quick distraction so he could sneak in and shit all over my house.
Nothing turns a beluga on like a solid hookshot off the glass.