@When_you_get_the_money_you_get...: To be fair to Jim, "Do you know who I am?" is the proper way to introduce oneself at Indian Hill.
@When_you_get_the_money_you_get...: To be fair to Jim, "Do you know who I am?" is the proper way to introduce oneself at Indian Hill.
There was a UCF girl who had her MBA and all that.
@ScientificMapp: Acknowledge your male privilege!
He still only won third place in the Artie Lange look-a-like contest, with the judges noting that no points could be awarded for behavioral similarities.
@Doug Dascenzo's Only Fan: I still remember that they came to Chicago with Reel Big Fish the night before first semester finals during my junior year. I lay awake and night and wonder what could have been.
Headline: Phil "Man-tits" Mickelson nullifies argument that golf is a sport.
@sukkerpunch: Are you that Simpson kid? Sorry to hear about your dad being in prison.
Who is: Sarah Palin's running mate in 2012?
There will still be blowjobs. Oh, there will still be blowjobs.
Wait, people come here for news? I'm here for snarky commentary and poop/sex stories.
@FavreFAIL: This funbag alone is responsible for 14 rapes, 6 subway gropings, and an Alabaman Denny's waitress repeatedly being referred to as "sugartits."
@David Stern but Fair: He's in an untenable position, I agree. I think he put himself there, or moreso, Maverick Carter did by convincing him to do The Decision. Regardless of what you felt about that from a sports perspective, I think it's fair to say that it was an awful marketing decision.
@Yinka Double Dare: Interesting. I personally placed just above the bottom, the bottom being Red Dog, as one of the least appealing beers I've ever had.
you'll never be able to think of Brett Favre without thinking about Crocs.
@Sheed's Bald Spot: What are I Like Cheap Beer's thoughts on this?
Just get a camera phone and send a photo of your genitals. That's how the athletes do it. I believe Daulerio posted on this a while back when someone got drunk and handed him the wheel of this ship.
@shmendo: The cool/ironic ratio is 0:1. PBR solely exists as hipster swill because it is fucking terrible.
@David Stern but Fair: I don't think Cavs fans were necessarily bandwagoners, that's why they reacted with such vitriol. You'll see how bandwagoners react if he leaves Miami.
@Delonte, Interrupted: I think we wanted a heartfelt thank you to a city that supported him a-la Big Z. Barry's pointing out that LeBron did it as a business move and even then, he didn't do it smartly. Every article on LeBron can be summed up as LeBron's not the hometown hero we want him to be, he's just an asshole…
@AzureTexan: Much appreciated. I will gladly count this as my first +1 on this site.