
Staff - Those are collectively the worst suggestions ever. Please fire yourselves.

Sounds cultural. Like Cornyn said.

Lyme Disease- not racist. The vast majority of Lyme, CT. residents are white.

Yikes... I mean, this is a fact. There’s certain places (not whole countries) where they do factually risky things that science has discovered is bad for you. In some parts of India they still defecate in the water supply. In many parts of the world they eat raw bush meat. These things factually happen in some foreign

thanks for pushing Chinese State Propaganda Mike. You’re truly doing the lords work here.

I understand the concept of “flatten the curve”. My question is what do you do at week 3, 16, and 100? How long do you plan on socially directing people to avoid interaction? And what do we do in the meantime?

It would seem that coming into work to stage the sit in kind of defeats the point. If you were that worried about your health, you wouldn’t have come in at all.

Well think of it like this. Knowing the ‘other’ flu is around, did that stop you from eating out? In reality, this is going to end up being about the same. Serious in that you practice stronger hygiene measures, but beyond that... not much, right?

RDO is literally so boring, and this article is proof.

Watching randoms blow up and launch themselves is “something to do because there is nothing to do in RDO”.

Wow, this was embarrassing for you. You sound upset. I’m sure you thought this would sound hilariously snarky, but it just came off as bitter and petty. Poor effort.

That is assuming everyone gets the virus, which is not going to happen. Flu mortality rate is 0.2%, but doesn’t kill 650,000 Americans every year. Get a grip.

I get that hardcore lefties got scared by Buttigieg and how his campaign aimed for the center so successfully, but it doesn’t make the smear campaign against him look any less unmotivated and ridiculous. It’s like MAGA, only more intellectually insufferable.

So literal hell.

If Jacobin and The Root had a stupid baby, it would be this.

This article was brought to you by the campaign to elect Bernie Sanders.

I don’t see how this is all that different from the NBA canceling the season moments before one of their games tips off in which at least two of the people on the court already had the virus. I get that this is Jolopnik and not Deadspin so the focus is for motor sport but all this my-gawd-look-how-dumb-the-FIA/Formula

Shadow Republican? Billionaire bootkisser?

What an unnecessarily pissy article.

You called me a moron, myopic, bigoted and insensitive, and concluded by telling me to fuck off. But I’m the angry one? LOL. I’m good. I’m having a great day. Ad hominem means: (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.

Lol because someone prefers not to be surprised they are sexually engaging with transgender individuals that makes them transphobic. #asteroid2020