Explain your support of BLM (an organization known to actually not support black lives)?
Explain your support of BLM (an organization known to actually not support black lives)?
How (objectively) is Elon a Nazi?
How (objectively) is Elon a Nazi?
You’re confused with Hunter! All good.
Was this supposed to be funny or just sad?
How (objectively) is Elon a nazi?
How (objectively) is Elon a nazi?
I don’t think you understand how net worth, nor company valuation, works.
I don’t follow. Explain how Christian Nationalism has anything to do with this.
Not really. It’s a growth investment, not value.
You don’t understand stocks. It’s ok.
It’s obviously a very big deal that these words are so similar in English.
No. You’re wrong. It’s just incredibly stupid.
I can’t tell if this is serious or not. It’s literally one of the most asinine things I’ve ever read.
Great (and obvious) point. But everyone nowadays prefers to finger point.
Xenophobic?! Lol!!!
Your anecdotal evidence was provided by your experience on a Star Wars video game message board.
That’s not his point...
The 15 people this affects echo your sentiments.