
I temporarily went blind this morning reading this when my eyes rolled back into my head and got stuck for a bit.  

If we’re getting anything good these days, it’s from unions.

Correction: liberal groups push for the inclusion of specific groups, usually at the expense of others. For example, liberals will condemn any white voice actor that portrays a non-white character. However, they’ll cheer when a non-white voice actor portrays a white character.

It seems like most of the arguments in that video could be applied to the left as well. Just flip the target audience around. Alt-right groups target white, cisgender, heterosexual males. Liberal groups target non-white, LGBTQ+ men or women. Both groups have zero tolerance for opposing political views and resort to

Here’s the thing. DrDisrespect signed a multi-million dollar exclusivity contract. Real contracts are not the same as the standard TOS you have to agree to when you sign up for a site. Real contracts need to be specific, especially when it comes to what allows one party to end the contract agreement early. Which means

Yep. And it’s truly incredible how many people seem to take his shit so seriously and so personally.

This isn’t a bug, it’s a feature. Why bother futzing with middle-man categories if you can get away with cutting to the chase? If the point is to create and profit from parasocial relationships, and Twitch puts up a big sign saying there’s a place tailor made for building those relationships, why would people not flock

Man. Didn’t realize dyslexia was a character defect.

“The Bronco was in development long before Trump started mishandling a global pandemic.”

You should al drink cyanide laced Kool aid dipshit!

Ability is the key word there. Not desire, ability.

You keep using the word empathy, but you don't seem to know what it means. People can have empathy and disagree with you.

I don’t see how cheating on your wife constitutes to a sudden ban though. Dr Disrespect certainly isn’t no ray of sunshine and has been one of the toxic streamers on the site, but it would be nice to know the reason he was banned, especially if it’s one of his past events. If it’s something more serious then I guess

Here with my hard hat, to see how many people will backtrack? Will some even apologize to those who called this what it was. Anyway, got some popcorn and don’t mind chilling in the greys, people can’t delete old stuff at best dismiss their own comments.

The same thing happened at the Naval Academy last year, apparently rope used to lift equipment and materials is racist.

He didn’t “reactivate” the Space Force. It’s existed as Space Command in the Air Force in one capacity or another for decades. He just carved it away from the AF and made it a new branch, which is exactly how the Air Force was created back in 1947 when they separated the Army Air Corps from the Army. Also, Star Trek’s

This whole mindset about how we can only go to space after fixing everything here on Earth first will doom us as surely as climate change itself will.

All I feel like you’re trying to do with this article is to cause controversy and debate?

So at what point do we call this denial and in-action genocide?

Do you compare each flu season to the number of 9/11's that is amounts to? 2017-2018 was about 20 9/11's for sake of comparison. About 110 9/11's in the last decade from the flu. Did you measure 2009's H1N1 in 9/11's? It was 1.33.