
I think you are severely overestimating how much these WNBA players make.

What was the purpose of the committee and what did it accomplish?

If the members of the committee were so uninvolved that they didn’t notice it didn’t exist anymore, wouldn’t you say it wasn’t adding a lot of value?

So when another leftist psycho takes your hitlist here and goes and kills some of them, we’ll all act surprised, right, and fall all over ourselves defending the little fascist paul blest and pretend that he isn’t explicitly calling for harassment and physical harm to come to his political opponents.  If you guys

cool clickbait... !

Google isn’t evil. MS was evil in the 90's. Google isn’t evil like MS was evil.

A Sports News channel getting back to just reporting on sports is unsurprisingly, a good idea. Their ratings dropped enough with all the political wokeness. There are more than enough news channels you can go to for that stuff,.

McKay you might want to be careful calling people out given your embarrassing tendency to cite back to yourself or Splinter to prove your own point. Maybe take a month or two off to learn how to develop your own argument? Amazon has the 2018-2019 LSAT prep book at 50% off, that would at least teach you how to form an

How is calling Warren “Pocahontas” racist, but Trump an “orange goblin” (or worst) not?

(though mostly women; men almost never get called out for clothing unless it’s, say, a full-on SS uniform)

Did you help design it, or just having a rough day? You’re taking this car quite personally.

Except Porsche doesn’t keep the same car on the road for 50 years. The styling changes are “conservative” sure, but the chassis is updated. Interiors are updated. Engines are updated. Transmissions are updated. New technology is added. And we’re not talking minor revisions here. The car is heavily updated with each

How shocking that a boring game came from a boring show!

$200k to spend and you’re asking for advice? He doesn’t have a pretty solid opinion of what he wants, or does he simply want to tell someone he has $200k to blow to gloat? 

So, you have this article and all its inaccuracies (like USMNT commenting on this months ago) and lack of details (how they asked a team currently in the middle of a tournament of their own) backing up this article that woefully missed the mark, and you have a remarkable 1-2 punch of sports writing ineptitude

The USMNT put out a statement in support of equal pay months ago:

guess this statement in March never happened...

This really isn’t a fair question to ask them.

If my employer was being sued and a reporter asked me to comment on the thing the lawsuit was about I’d probably avoid talking about it too.

I was under the impression that its one job is to annoy Deadspin writers who have a problem with accurate officiating decisions. In that, it is succeeding spectacularly.